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Friday 12 January 2024

Give Everything the Right Proportion: Class Notes - (5005)


Tonight m.m.m spoke about laws useful to awaken.


How can we awaken consciousness taking into account cause and effect? In some way the one who is awakening remains unwaivered by cause and effect. Meaning in other words to be psychologically outside of cause and effect.

To awaken and stay awakened we need to take into account giving everything the right proportion.

To give everything the right proportion is balance. To give everything the right proportion we have to have some awakening in that area.

To give everything the right proportion we have to take into account the whole picture. It is very much related to the perception of the whole.

This law is one of the foundations of balance.

We are skeptical of others because we ignore the big picture, we forget the good of the past and because of that we then don't give others the right proportion and lose balance inside ourselves and in relation to them.

This law is physical, psychological, esoteric and ontological. 

It is very difficult to do the path if we forget all about giving things the right proportion.

The awakened one acts by means of laws and principles. In normal life people act by means of mind, personality and ego.

We are dying in ourselves when we do things by virtue of principles.

Personal views lead to abuse, plain and simple. Where as inpersonal views lead to balance and harmony.

The ego in many ways breaks this law.

When two people act according to this law both have to have the same understanding of this law and both agree on what is the right proportion.

Applying this law and other laws leads us to an impersonal life.

When we apply these laws we begin to dilute the personal perception, the personal life that we have that is supported by mind, personality and ego.

The Being in us walks the path. The path is not personal - our path doe not exist. The path of the Being is what exists. It is the path of the Being in us.

In order to die we must be awakened.

To be psychologically dead is to be awakened to psychological death. We are trypically asleep to death and that is why we don't progress in death.

To be outside cause and effect is to use the pain of offence to die within ourselves. If we are in a period of darkenss and we don't see anything keep working. This is to be outside of cause and effect.

Live our life by means of principles not by means of circumstances. This is what the awakened people do - they teach us this.

After applying these principles and laws we will end up finding the laws of our Being which are even tougher than what Master Samael laid down in the doctrine of Gnosis.

We can not bring our personal circumstances to the path because we adulterate the path.

What is it to give something the right proportion? To give a thought too much energy for example, where we later create a monster in our mind. 

The principles vary from moment to moment they are not fixed. 

We can't give eveyrthing the same amount to the same thing every moment because these laws change from moment to moment. This is good because it forces the consciousness to work.

Solutions are hidden in this law. The issues related to this law are only solved by applying the principles of the Being. Especially the values of trust, hope, love and faith.

The egos always exaggerate things and give the wrong proportion to things.

What happened in Lemuria was that they produced in humanity back then the wrong proportion, making them see the third dimension as the only dimension at the expense of all the other dimensions.

Also the Kundabuffer was exaggerated - it was left within the human being for too long.

We must apply this law inside of us and outside of ourselves amongst people and in nature also.

To see the right proportion of the solution you are going to apply. The solution is to be awakened.

To see all the issues and put cause and effect inside the different aspects.

We often also don't use the right centre to deal with the different issues.

Powerful enemies of this law are culture, education - for example becasue of culture and religion we can apply drastic measures. 

We can exaggerate authority, submission, a point of view, there is exaggeration on either side. What is on either side is always exaggerated and this casues the imbalnce.  

"Exageration destroys the virute."!


See in our life when we destroy a virtue by exaggerating it.

We must act to give everything the right proportion.

We can have the wrong perception of the right proportion. How do we calibrate our perceptions to the right proportion.

The highest expression of the Divine Diversity is the sacred individuality of the Monad.

Collective responsibility is something that we have in a Gnostic group. It is in many ways to be partaking of a replica of the Absolute. Which is something significant.

If we can't function well in a physical group we will not be able to function in our internal group. 

There is a secret special power of congolmerating people. The power of uniting people around you. The capacity to unify people around you is the same power that you will have to unite yourself inside of you.

To give the right proportion in a collective is to take care of my own responsibility to the collective not anyone elses.

The law is that a collecticve can do what an individual can not do. That is what our body is - it is a collective.

Destiny, Monads, Karma and the collective - the four lines of force present in any esoteric group.

End (5005).

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