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Tuesday 9 January 2024

To Dissolve Pride it is Good to Be Wrong - (4999)

The pride and anger combination can be very strong.

Anger comes to protect pride when we don't accept we have got something wrong.

Always the stronger the anger the stronger the ego behind it.

For everyday pride it is a difficult impression to transform when we are told that we are justifying an error.

However, if we are able to accept that we can get things wrong and we don't feel 'more' or 'less' for having gotten that something wrong, we can transform that impression a lot easier.

So the key is to work on ourselves so that we feel normal or ok about us having gotten something wrong.

In other words don't feel disappointed that we got something wrong and don't feel that we should have gotten it right either, and most important of all, don't feel that we can't get things wrong or that people can't point out things to us that we get wrong.

The next point to cover is to recognise that we are wrong and then correct it. 

In truth we get so many things wrong and will do in the future. We shouldn't be scared of that - where we must place our importance is in the ability to recognise without pride our errors and dissolve them.

End (4999).

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