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Tuesday 2 January 2024

Value of Love Notes - (4987)

It is not easy, to really and truly develop love, because it means to come to love that which we dislike or even despise.

The power of love is the ability to transform the worst thing, which is hatred into the best thing - love.

To love that which we like is easy and is not really a test of love. It does not develop love in the fullest and strongest sense.

We typically love through the conditions we place on others which they must fulfill for us to be able to love. 

We don't love others as they are, we love others because they match or line up with certain conditions that we have about love. These conditions are always good and noble conditions - but they are still conditions.

Conditions it seems, displace love.

In many cases we end up finding that we love ourselves through our noble conditions instead of actually loving others.

To love is to be outside of ourselves (mind, past, memory, associations, concepts, prejudices, egos, personality) and that is not something easy to do at times. It can be very challenging.

Yet there is balance, our spiritual work needs conditions to be successful. 

All the masters love the essence and the Monad. Not our personalities, our egos or our behaviours. We can't forget that, remembering that, helps us to understand their love towards us. 

The intelligence of love inspires us to adapt love for others to help them according to where they are at. Knowing what they want and what their essence in its stage of development shows us that it needs.

Love is universal, we can't only love those who do the work on themselves. Love loves all others, yet love knows how to love them. We love others in the work a little differently to those who are not doing the work. Yet the essence of love is there to help... 

Love is wise...

To develop love is a prodigy of conscious will. Anyone who has developed some love for something that they didn't like has performed a miracle within themselves.

End (4987).

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