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Friday 2 February 2024

Causal Factors Class Notes - (5022)


Notes taken during an online class.


Ultimately everything is internal. All our physical ailments ultimately have their cause deep within us.

The cause of the cause is the consciousness. Either awakened or asleep consciousness.

Etiology is the study of causes.

The actions of the essence affect all the parts of the Being. The essence is really the author of the dharma and karma.

Why does the essence have all this power, when the Being is the supreme power? A mystery!

The essence controls the physical body via the five senses. There are certain determining factors which we need to become aware of, if we truly wish to author our life differently to the direction in which it is currently following.

Note that the essence comes from the causal world. It is really a mini human soul. That is why when the essence grows she becomes the human soul.  

The essence develops itself into the category of soul. 

The centre of gravity of life is Atman and the centre of gravity in life is the essence.

The centre of gravity of life is not our mind. This is a great relief. All the negativity that the mind presents us with is NOT the centre, it is the side issue certainly not the central issue. The central issue is the essence.

To be able to cause for the Being we need to have an element of the identity of the Being active in us.

The aim of the essence is to arrive at the causal factors.

The most important thing is to keep our identity as an essence. The flow of life, the categorical imperative will become natural. 

The flow of life and the categorical imperative are instruments of causation. That is, of the cause making process. The causal making prcocesses must be caused in us, that is initiatied within us.

We have two ways of causing. One is from the mind and the other is directly from the causal world. In the second type the awakeneded consciousness causes in contact with the causal world.

Causing is the greatest power that the human beings have. It just depends on who is there causing. 

The sleeping consciousness does not know about the flow of life. This is because of the wrong perception of the event.

"Live from moment to moment in the flow of life that comes from me." Says the Inner being.

The most important fundament of the awakening is the IDENTITY! To awaken we must firmly take up the identity of the essence! 

Normally our identity comes from the abyss.

Karma really conditions our identity. The strong karma we have that often flattens us, contributes to creating within us a low self-image.

When others treat us as useless, the karma is teaching us a lesson that says: "Stand up and become useful and eliminate those weaknesses that make us weak.".

Why do we receive such tough treatment? Because we see ourselves as inferior and we attract that so that we can learn that lesson to overcome that harsh treatment.

The Divine Being within us is the one that is in charge of our P.P.P. The Being loves us and shows the virtue that we need by showing us the weakness which is the opposite of the virtue that we need.

We have to contrast our two images, one of the essence and the other of the ego - victim, defeated, depressed etc.

The law of the abyss is compensation. When we fail we justify and justify our way out of everything. 


There is only one way ahead and it is to triumph.

It is amazing how the essence awakens and displaces the ego from causing and it starts to cause.

It is better for the Being to feel us with force and not need to be strong. It is better to be strong in the Being. To be awakened inside the constitution of the Being is better than for us to be awakened as a separate entity.

Don't plan our path too much we don't know much about it. We have never created or made the esoteric path.

The ego of pride is the worst ego that we can have. It is what above all else throws the Gods to the abyss. 

Pride is a causal factor. It as a causal factor that wishes to conquer. Or if not it divides. 

We have to see the wrong side of causation. The wrong side brings us a lot of karma.

It is better to choose service other authority. 

Every Gnostic association is really a karmic vehicle as people come to the work under a Gnostic association to pay their karma.

For the ego to be a causal factor it has to have access to the three demons. 

Wanting to modify things in others is to invoke that causal factor/power. It is usually the casual egos that wish to change things. How many causal egos do we really have.

We need as a conclusion to make the essence the unique causal factor in us.

We should cause something from the positive side of life, from the doctrine, from the side of the work. 

If we bring our self-image of us that we have in life we are bringing the wrong causal factor to the path.

The causal factor must be the doctrine not the ego. 

To cause properly we need:

1.) To have our consciousness completely outside of the mind. 

2.) Concentration with a clean mind.

3.) Ask for that which we want. 

4.) Then implement what we receive.

If we receive something then it is our Being giving us the grace to cause and we must then cause as an essence NOT as an ego.

End (5022).

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