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Wednesday 7 February 2024

Flying Pen - Essence, Ego and Personality - (5019)

Little Story Introduction

A little story showing how the conditioning of life works.

It shows how powerful the conditioning of life is, what aim it has and how it works on us. 

From the beginning we saw things innocently with the essence, then later something changed that innocent vision to 'see' something else. The long and tiring experience of that 'something else' sparked an awakening to recover the innocent view but with a difference. This difference being consciousness.  

Flying Metal Pen

When we first get on a plane, it is exciting. We are in the moment! We are excited to travel, explore and enjoy our new destination. 

At the same time there is a sense of awe about how such a big 'metal pen with wings' filled with so many people and their luggage is going to take off and maintain itself in the air for so long and travel at such a high speed. It all of a sudden seems so precarious a situation…

It is so novel, it is not our everyday experience and it is so interesting and amusing. Pondering why we and these people in particular are sharing a relatively small room together for a number of hours is something really interesting. 

We are given a debrief on what to do in an emergency and we think deep down I hope it doesn't happen then something replies its not going to happen it happened before somewhere else but not now to us.

In conclusion here there is that wonderful excitement of being in the moment yet there is the at awareness of how interesting and precarious a situation is .

Life Sets In

After the miracle takeoff we are flying and we look inside the cabin and we see the glossy magazines, with shiny high end products to purchase and dream of, we see a vast collection of movies and entertainment to chose from and a menu of drinks that comfort us to order from.

There are the flight attendants of which one we find a little fascinating, there are the amusing fellow passengers to observe, the comfortable chairs to recline and the noise cancelling headphones to feel right at ease, the snack and the meals to look forward to. 

Then there's the wild ocean with no-one around, 33,000 feet directly below.

Forget and Sink into Comfort

Then we just forget the ocean, the precariousness, the preciousness of life and its every moment, and we just focus on the comfort or on forgetting. 

We then start to dream falling asleep to the precariousness. Even fear lulls us further into the sleep of our consciousness. Slowly we forget our initial view and concentrate on the drink, entertainment and people. We complain when things are not to our liking and we wish that the pilot would push the plane a little harder to get there quicker and now we are fully seeing something that was novel and awe inspiring as a 'run of the mill' human experience.


The conditioning of life works over the top of the view of the essence and its starts by us focusing on the comfort and the ease of things taking us to the mere human. It's the impressions of comfort that buffer reality that cause us to sleep and is the 'conditioning of life'.

The conscious transformation of this experience is that the precariousness and danger of flying is known and felt without fear yet not forgotten, while the comforts are enjoyed but not to the extent of forgetting or denying with wrong thinking the implicit danger and awe.  

End (5019).

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