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Monday 26 February 2024

Masks of the Egyptian Gods - (5047)

Why is Anubis depicted as having a jackal as his head mask?

We know that the real Anubis seen in the superior worlds may not wear a mask.

We know that the ancient Egyptians depicted the Gods as wearing masks of certain animals based upon symbols that represented certain archetypes related to the function and nature of the Gods.

The jackal is an animal that the ancient Egyptians observed as one that would frequently visit the cemeteries and places of the dead.

Anubis it is said, was the God of the underworld, the God that the recently deceased would first face in the new journey without their physical body- hence the jackal head.

The hawk is the most far seeing of birds, it is swift, it is a bird of command and prey and holds much respect, making it fitting for Osiris the all-seeing God of the skies.

End (5047).

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