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Tuesday 6 February 2024

When Struggling Worst Thing to do Is Isolate - (5026)

When we are struggling with our work, the worst thing that we can do is to drop contact with others who are working on themselves.

Other people are such a wonderful help: visibly, tangibly and also very importantly - invisibly. Often the invisible help that we receive when talking to others is the biggest help. We can never underestimate how important the connection to others is.

Just talking to others when we are very low, especially even when we are not wanting or expecting to be helped, we are helped remarkably. 

We drop contact with others often because of inner negativity. We know that others are a great help and we know that we are cutting off our lifeline but because the "I" of negative self-compassion wrongly loves pain and wants to feel pain, we cut connection with others knowing that by doing that we will bring ourselves more pain and a kind of pain to others too.   

The realization that there is something in us that just loves pain, is such an important realization. 

This is because it will help to stop ourselves from bringing ourselves more pain, as well as stop us from exporting pain onto others, which brings pain by the law of karma to us.

End (5026).

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