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Friday 15 March 2024

How to Change Our Way of Thinking - (5072)

General and the Particular

There are two angles from which to approach this question: from the general and the particular.

Starting with the general prepares for the particular.


The general all starts with changing the way we see ourselves. We always think, feel and act in accordance with what we see that we are. If we change the way we see ourselves we will change the way we think, feel and act. 

The change is to see ourselves as a soul - as a psychology. A psychology that is made up of many values that are the means of expression of our Spirit.

This means to see ourselves at every moment as an expression of these values. We are really an energy of our Being expressing through our psychology. Whether it be free expression of conditoined expression.

To change the way we think truly we need to be these values in actions. This is psychological and esoteric thinking. It is not human thinking.

To be these values we first need to know a few things. One is that we are also our attention and our consciousness. If our attention is absent our consciousness is absent and we are absent.

To know that we need to be present and have our attention on ourselves and outside of ourselves in the event is the foundation.

To know that with our attention present we can be the values is fundamental. 

The reality is that we are a mixture of light and darkness, and so two classes of elements will come to answer any event that we are in. One will be the ego and one the value of the essence. We being present with our attention in the moment will be able to choose.

If we know the values we can choose the right value to answer the event. When we answer with the values we are being our spirit.

To better see this new way of thinking we need contrast, which is to see how we normally think which is to think by virtue of our desires, to think in accordance with our mechanical conditioning, to think by virtue of our painful past, to just to do something whatever it be to get out of trouble, to get away with anything that we can that benefits us, to think that it doesn't matter if what we think makes us to do a few things wrong, etc. etc.

This change leads us to understand that we are responsible for our psychology and our internal states and that our fundamental role here in this life is to be a loyal expression of the values of our Inner Being.


As we observe each "I" or conditioning we will understand its way of thinking and feeling. When we know the what and the how it thinks we will be able to change its way of thinking to the opposite, or to something else altogether different that transcends that it. 

End (5072).

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