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Wednesday 20 March 2024

Transform Reprimands - (5062)

The same "I" of pride that likes to reprimand is the same one that rebels against the authority of others.

If we like to reprimand others it is truly difficult that we stand being reprimanded by others.

In Gnosis we unknowingly create a lot of pride because we think we know better and more...yet in reality we are the same, hence the pride to believe that we are something that we are not.

If we don't like being reprimanded we need to work directly on pride.

There is a pride within us, that believes that our way of things is best or ok. 

There is no doubt we find reprimands unfair and for that reason we protest and swirm will be receiving one. 

In retrospect we say to ourselves: 'if only there was that element of love I could of handled it a lot better'. 

That is an interesting and very useful clue. It is the sense of being harmed by another person directing a harmful force towards us against beyond our right to be respected (treated fairly).

Of course what we consider respectful needs some examination as well. It could be that we are too sensitive and protective of ourselves...

It all depends on the way we interpret the reprimand. The sense of being harmed is our interpretation. The work is to help us change that interpretation to one of being illuminated or helped in our psychological work.

I have heard some Gnostics who really work on themselves say: "I need problems, bring to me so that I can work more, I need to die in myself." Such an attitude has already transformed all the reprimands.

The tendency is to answer reprimands with reprimands. That is mechanical and not helpful for our work. It escalates things into an argument.

We can jump ahead of reprimands by accepting quickly with consciousness what is being highlighted.

Working with reprimands is all about the speed of the consciousness and the capacity to accept with consciousness for the benefit of the enhancement of the consciousness.

We also learn that we must not identify with the tone or right that the other person is taking to be critical of us. No identification with their facial expressions or gazes either, but full attention to our consciousness to see what is true and beneficial to our consciousness in what they are saying. 

If something does not serve our consciousness it is a simple matter of discarding and forgetting...

A help to transform receiving reprimands is to transform them it into gratitude and being thankful for the advice or light shone on our psychology.

As soon as we say thank you - we have transformed something to do with it.

End (5062).

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