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Tuesday 26 March 2024

Break the Logic Bottles of the "I's" of Anger - (5334)

The value of force, love and creativity is trapped in various logic bottles which we call the "I's" of anger.

All of the logic bottles must be discovered and broken with comprehension.

A logic bottle is a mental logic that the essence gets trapped in. It is a thought process that the essence comes to believe in. Usually the logic is something that is partly true. Never fully true and that is where we can get into it to modify it.

Some of these logic bottles try to tell us that anger protects us. That is, that anger is used to protect ourselves from the humiliation of recognising we have a defect or lack a certain capacity which our pride thinks we possess.

It is never a wasted exercise to see our own reality. It always brings light and that brings truth and freedom to improve.

The other logic bottles try to tell us that anger solves problems and solves conflicts. It doesn't really solve problems and conflicts, it makes them go away, by submitting those involved with  unreasonable force (violence of mind, word and actions) so that the complaint or protest is withdrawn.

Another logic bottle is that it is needed to get respect from others. It gets fear instead which breads resentment and hatred.

Another logic bottle is that it brings peace and protects my time, money and energy. It can do that yes but not very well. The are many more other ways to do this than the ver narrow ways that anger uses.

Another one is that anger gives us control over others and ourselves. Yes for a while before it turns very sour. Anger lacks the reasoning of truth and that is why things turn sour sooner rather than later.

End (5334).

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