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Sunday 24 March 2024

Working Only for Yourself Does Not Profit! - (5085)

Experience tell us that the following is true: 

"Every sacrifice we make for a sublime idea is transformed into gold, into light. That is the secret: the idea for which you work. If you work only for yourself, the effort you put into satisfying your own desires, needs, instincts, passions and greed is, in fact, energy lost." Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov.

Working to satisfy our own desires tends to produce a slump or a low point in us. It is not a multiplying and forward moving exercise. Much of our week has elements of this kind in it and that is why our weeks, years and life seem not to be going anywhere.

Any cause is an idea that is far above, far greater and far outside of our mind, personality and desires.

It makes sense that when we work on something with the ego we don't magnetize or draw closer the light and the gold from above to us. Because there is no light or gold to draw more light or gold to it in the first place.

Selfish efforts and selfish causes don't put the law of reciprocity and magnetism into activity.

Even working on ourselves that does not take others into account or consideration is limited.

End (5085).

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