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Monday 15 April 2024

A Gnostic Standard List of the Parts of the Being - (5110)


Here below is a list of the parts of the Being as presented in the Gnostic teachings. 

We know though, that this list is more like a template. In reality, a Divine Being may have unfolded Itself differently and there may be many more unfolded parts than those on the list. 

Also for certain, the parts of a Divine Being will have their own particular names, which will be different those on the list. Their functions though will be very similar if not the same. 

Nonetheless, this is our template and our way of starting to connect the diverse parts of our Inner Being.

Parts of the Being List

1. Ancient of the Days

2. Intimate Christ

3. Holy Spirit

4. Atman or Chesed

5. Spiritual Soul or Geburah

6. Human Soul or Tiphereth

7. The Twelve Apostles

8. Two Extraordinary figures: Luke and Marc

9. The Twenty Four Elders

10. The Five Helpers

11. The Four Sants

12. Interior Anubis

13. Guardian of the Threshold

14. Sandalphon and Metraton

15. Elemental INtercessor

16. Interior Minerva

17. Lion of the Law

18. Twelve Saviours

19. Lord of Time

20. Damsel of Remembrance

21. Five Trees

22. Interior Salome

23. Interior Mary Magdalene

24. Interior John the Baptist  

25. Police of the Karma

26. Jehu - Face of the Lord

27. Angel of the Lord

28. Guardian of the Veil

29. Sabaoth the Worthy

30. The Nine Guardians of the Treasure of the Light

31. The Last Helper

32. Seven Radicals

33. The Two Mage Guides

34. Guardian Angel

35. Interior Moses 

36. Interior Morpheus

37. Interior Melkisedek

38. INterior Antimony

39. Interior Martha 

40. The Great Merciful 

41. The Rulers of the Light and the Councilors of the Aeons 

42. Interior Lucifer 

Note: This list was taken from a book written by Oscar Uzcategui on the same topic.

End (5110).

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