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Monday 29 April 2024

Working on the P.P.P in the Three Brains Notes - (5123)


This post presents some notes about working on the principal psychological profile in the three brains.


The P.P.P is the "I" that we don't notice. Until we know it, it remains elusive and we suspect other "I's" to take the title.

This is because it is so natural, it has become such an integral part of ourselves and we have come to use it for nearly everything in our life and furthermore, we like it (not all of it though), think it is us, and depend upon it. 

We have become deeply identified with it and we have based much of our identity and self-image upon it. 

We don't see it even though it is in action all the time, and it is the one behind our sufferings and most of our life's recurrences and circumstances that are both negative and positive. We can be certain though that it is behind or participates to some degree with all of our negative circumstances.

It is to be found through a big picture inspection of our lives and also in many small details inspections of the details of our lives.

The following notes will link into the main notes concerning the qualities of the p.p.p.

All Centres

It participates in all of our egos. It is the main thread that links to all of the egos that we have. It is the 'common denominator ego' that is present in all of our egos.

For example, if our P.P.P is pride we will have an anger due to pride, fear because of pride, lust will combine with pride, greed and pride will join forces into a powerful ambition, jealousy will be linked to pride to a sense of humiliation, 

The main ego behind fear and anger is our P.P.P.

Why we don't see it is that we accept blindly the positive side of the p.p.p as our inherent nature and the bad side of our p.p.p we reject and forget about, and don't want to see.

It is behind most of our life's circumstances that come from our mind and it using our mind.

It is the main player or contributor to the problems and difficulties in our relationships.

It is a most frequent mistake. It is the thing that we get wrong the most in the different areas of our life. 

It is the opposite of the value that we lack the most.

If we are always suffering and if we can see how the suffering limits us we can gain insight into what our p.p.p is.

It is behind most of our karmic situations and situations that limit and make us to suffer. This is because the p.p.p is a cause and a cause produces karma and it is the biggest lesson that we need to learn.

Often we think pride and lust are the main candidates to win the title. They are that way because one was the cause of the fall and one was the instrument.

Pride and lust keep our level of the Being low - that is they to keep us fallen. These two elements are the keys behind degeneration. They are a key factor behind homosexuality and lesbianism as an aside.


It is the main element behind all of our fantasies. In fantasy we compensate for what we are not, for what we don't have or for what we lack and as the p.p.p is the biggest conditioning it is the greatest lack and our fantasies are given the role of compensating for our greatest lack which is driven by our p.p.p.

It is the main colour and flavour of our self-image that exists in our mind.

It is the main tone and flavour of our self-talk or internal chatter.


The p.p.p occupies our desires the most. The p.p.p is karmic and so it conditions our will the most. It will show up in our strongest deepest desires.

It will also drive and condition our feelings. The feelings of the p.p.p will feel the best and the feelings of the p.p.p displeased will be the worst.


We can see it in the quality of the words and actions it generates in relation to others. 

The p.p.p will always control for its benefit. See what factor it controls according to and how it controls we will then discover it.


The p.p.p becomes so natural and therefore it reaches the instinctive centre. So the p.p.p is what reacts first in us. Our first reaction is usually our p.p.p. We have to make the unconditioned value instinctive within us.


As the sexual energy is very causal in nature it will condition the sexual energy in tendency, manner, preference, manifestation, plus the sexual energy will be used occulty to set up circumstances for the p.p.p to enact its causes.  

Often in relationships with the opposite sex, is where the p.p.p expresses the most. The karma associated with the p.p.p will be paid and processed the most in these relationships.



Often unjust in many areas, worried about what others think, identified with better and best, fear of humiliation, much justifications, big self-love and self-importance with the main lessons to learn being to do with humility and balance. Controls to protect and maintain its better or best status and created sel-image.


Always concerned about relationships and the many facets of relationships. Always chasing relationships and dropping in out of them. Often highly focussed on sexuality. Lives in the world of relationships and is often defined to oneself by the need for relationships with opposite the sex. Deeply concerned about how one appeals to the opposite sex and how relationship worthy one is as a life mission. Controls to fulfill its desires and appearances. Often breaks unity and engages in much selfish love.


Annoyed by everything and easily angered by everything that does not fit one's own concepts, mind, preferences. Lives in the world of criticism, judgment, protest, dispute and conflict. Always fighting and strong tendencies to violence in mind, word and action. Controls to fit things into its concepts.


Wanting this and that all the time. So restless driven by the desires of having, doing, knowing and being. Time, money, knowledge, power, constantly on the lookout to not miss out on anything. Suffering to not be able to know or have. Controls to proccur circumstances and opportunities for itself.


Not only in intimate relationships concerned with closeness and closed. Protecting the closed and closeness and seeking that no one else gains a higher status us. Concerned with having and being.  Controls to protect control in the relationship through one's first place status. Concerned with power. Is often identified with one's relationships and status in them.


In general the p.p.p is an ego like all the others but it becomes a so big that it takes over our life. So the p.p.p exhibits the same characteristics of whatever ego it is, just that it is much bigger.

End (5123).

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