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Thursday 23 May 2024

Best Images to Practice Holding in Mind - (5151)

The general practice to develop our capacity to hold images in our mind is this:

Look at an object for some minutes. Concentrate on it and study it, don't allow thoughts to distract you. Then close your eyes and simply see the object you have been focussing on. See it almost without effort. When it disappears bring it back. When you no longer can bring it back open your eyes and study it again.

Repeat this over and over again until the time in which you can see the object and hold it in a relaxed yet stable way in your mind's eye increases. 

Time yourself and take note of how your time increases day by day or week by week.

I'll write a post soon about how to see something in your mind's eye.

The images we chose can help us in our spiritual work and lead us deeper into ourselves and connect to some esoteric and mystical type of experiences and visions.

If we concentrate on: a symbol seen in a dream, or a scene from a dream that was enigmatic or esoteric in quality, a real crystal, an image of a Divinity, a glow of light, the sun or a star we can derive much benefit for ourselves.

The images we form in our mind become qualities that we interiorise. 

End (5151).

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