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Thursday 16 May 2024

During the Day Spend Time Shedding our False Identity - (5144)

Awakening is all about being our true self which is all about embracing our true identity - which is the essence.

To the essence and truly take up the identity of our essence we need to shed the false identities we have put on.

Many times during the day we put on several false identities.

We need to shed those false identities very often to awaken. In the strictest sense we would be aware every moment of our identity and shed the false every moment we need to.

We are an essence and an essence is not our job, not our mind, not our thoughts, not our role, not our religion, not our country, not our age, not our marital status, not our body...

The above are all labels. We are not a label! 

All of those above things change in time and depend upon other elements which we are not. Our job and role depends on others and a company, if we are married and we are a husband or a wife, it is because of the another person.

We were none of these things when we were born and we will be none of those things when we die. 

End (5144).

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