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Tuesday 7 May 2024

Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil Notes - (5122)

The book of Genesis introduced the teaching of the Garden of Eden and the two trees living within it.

One tree has the name: The Tree of Life and the other has the name The Tree of the Science of Good and Evil.

Sometimes the second tree has been referred to as: The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

The two trees are said to share the same roots.

The two trees were said to both bear fruit. However, it was only from one tree that Adam and Eve could freely eat from. This was the Tree of Life. It was prohibited to consume the fruit of the Tree of the Science of Good and Evil.

However, to savour the aroma of the fruit of the Tree of the Science of Good and Evil was permitted.

In esoteric terms Gnosis teaches that the: The tree of life is the Kabbalah and the The Tree of the Science of Good and Evil is Alchemy.

In simple terms, 'The Tree of Life' is the Divine Being within us and 'The Tree of the Science of Good and Evil' is the work with sexuality. That is using sexuality as a transformative power. 

It is said that through 'The Tree of the Science of Good and Evil' human beings came to know both good and evil.

It is a truth that when human beings work with sexuality, they come to understand better the two primordial natures and forces of creation. Which are the masculine and feminine. Through the effort made to make the two opposite natures interact positively, lessons are learnt about the nature of each, which is really the wisdom of duality.

To work with sexaulity is to understand the primordial duality from which emanates good and evil.

Human beings don't normally work with sexuality. They enjoy and plunder the sexual energy. Which symbolically is to consume the fruits of the 'tree of the science of good and evil'.

To work with sexuality means to cause the aroused energy to flow inwards and upwards. Which symbolically means to inhale the aroma of the fruits of the tree of the science of good and evil.

Ill-will comes from centrifugal use of the sexual energy and good-will streams from the centripetal flow of the sexual energy.

The knowledge and understanding of these primordial forces relating to one another always brings wisdom and knowledge.

It is easy to see that the world is still consuming the fruit of the 'Tree of the Science of Good and Evil'. What do we find in our world? Good and evil and we will always find good and evil in our world as long as humanity eats off the 'Tree of the Science of Good and Evil'. 

Since Adam and Eve ate of the 'Tree of the Science of Good and Evil' the Edenic paradisiacal state, which is a state of unity with the Inner Being, a state of  Immortality, a state of no time and the absence of suffering, was lost and then appeared good and evil. 

Gnosis teaches that Adam and Eve were the humanity after the division of the sexes from their original hermaphrotic condition. 

The expulsion of Adam and Eve from the garden of Eden was symbolic for the fall of humanity after man and woman in that remote times of humanity's history spilt the sexual energy through the orgasm.

It is said to come to know and eat of the tree of Life one has to stop eating off the 'Tree of the Science of Good and Evil'.

One of the offshoots of the 'Tree of the Science of Good and Evil' is technology and science, which are used to solve everything for us outside of the Inner Being, that is outside of the 'Tree of Life' which we no longer have access to. 

When we have access to the Tree of Life we really stop needing the external offshoots of the 'Tree of the Science of Good and Evil'

The most important is to relate these two trees to ourselves and our life.

Our physical body is a tree in so many ways. Especially when we look at the design of the nervous system, specifically the central nervous system that branches out to all of our internal organs.  

The roots of both trees is the sexual organs. The 'Tree of the Science of Good and Evil' is in our sexual centre and the 'Tree of Life' reaches upwards into our internal superior dimensions starting from the sexual centre. 

The Tree of Life has many representations in the physical body. For example, the Logic Triangle is in our brain. Kether at our crown, Binah on our left hemisphere and Chokmah to the right hemisphere.

It is said that the Tree of Life has twelve fruits which are the seven chakras plus the five senses.

It is also said 'Tree of the Science of Good and Evil' is intimately and directly related to the hidden Sephiroth on the 'Tree of Life' known as Daath.

It is also good to know that we - the whole of ous are really the garden of Eden. That is all that makes us up - our physicality, our psychology and our spirit/Being.

End (5122).

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