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Wednesday 1 May 2024

The Feeling: "We are a Tiny Speck Alone in a Vast Universe." - (5126)

That's really not the right feeling to have. We do feel that yes but we don't need to feel it. It is in fact an incorrect and false feeling to have.

We feel it because we are a asleep to our true reality...

We are actually a universe already in and of itself. We are complete and full as a universe is and just as indestructible as the vast universe outside of us is.

We are a universe, so feel vast, complete and whole and no longer feel tiny, abandoned and alone as a nanoscopic speck in the great infinity.

It would be rather cruel of the Absolute to make us all like that, that is tiny absolutely meaningless specks against the great infinitude.

Being in your centre and looking out from within you, you are a universe, certainly not alone and not a speck and not at all for a micro-second abandoned.

We are a universe within a universe! 

Dissolve that feeling of being a nothing against everything that makes us feel tiny, weak, of no effect and  confused about our existence, often asking ourselves the question: why have we been created and what are we really doing. It is not the right feeling - we have purpose, we are working to realise the universe that we are. This work of realisation starts in knowing and feeling we are a universe!

The Oracle of Delhi told us, "Oh man know thyself, and you will know the universe and the Gods" - why? Because we are the same as the 'universe and the Gods'.

End (5126).

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