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Friday 28 June 2024

Deep within we Await for the Return of the True King - (5194)

J.R Tolkien was really onto something when he called the third book of the Lord of the Rings, the "Return of the King".

I believe he touched on something deep within the human psyche.

I believe deep within everyone is knowledge of the true king. Plus within all of us there is a genuine deep longing for the true King.

Having spiritually fallen, and having lost deep connection with our Inner Being, we long for the noble power that is wise, strong, just, compassionate, powerful and spiritual.

Many women look for that in the men they wish to marry.

Many men look for that in a leader they wish to fight for.

When a human being truly possessing those qualities appears in public light, people are drawn to admire and support such a person.  

We must know that we all have within us, the true King which is our Inner Being, which starts with Atman and extends to the Logoic Triangle and beyond.

Our Inner Being is our soverign power with all of those qualities. What we can do first of all is to recognise that we have the true King within, and the second thing is to consciously long, await and hope for its return within us. 

The third thing we can do is to send waves of adoration in the way of hope, faith and love to the true king. The fourth thing is to pray and wait with a silent mind for its voice to speak to us, allowing us to intuit it's will and feel it's way of going about things.

The fifth thing we can do, is with prayer and meditation take refuge in our heart temple being present with the true King and drawing much serenity and stength from its presence within.  

The sixth thing we can do, is in prayer ask to know and understand the qualities of a King, so as to bring these qualities into our physical life.

The seventh thing we can do, is in action live and be these qualities of the true king in our physical life. Thus with these seven actions we unite in spirit, psychology (soul), heart, mind, word and action with the true King.

End (5194).

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