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Saturday 15 June 2024

Emotional Thinking is Better - (5170)

Emotional thinking makes us better off when it comes to understanding and relating to our fellow man.

Intellectual thinking is the ideal and the way it should be, but in real life it just isn't the way things roll.

When it comes to the crunch our emotions control us more than the 'mentally logical'.

We think intellectually for example, that no one should disagree or dislike what I am doing because there is nothing unlawful about it, and it is all according to the rules. 

However, the truth, which we don't accept, is that people disagree and dislike us. 

We can expect our intellectual thinking to hold true for mere machines programmed according to liking or disliking what is lawful or unlawful, but for real flesh and blood human beings, with mind, heart and soul this does not work.

If we think emotionally, we can better understand why people dislike or like us and what we do.

To think emotionally means to know that people have emotions and that emotions are not governed by pure logic. What often happens is that even though something is within the rules of an organization, we may dislike it because of other emotional factors, yet because it is within the rules, we have to keep quiet, appearing as if we agree or like it. 

We are only partly conscious when we think intellectually about others and we are more conscious when we think emotionally.

We are more emotional beings than pure intellectual beings.

End (5170).

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