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Monday 24 June 2024

If the Ego is More Important to Us then We Can't Do Much - (5192)

No matter if we are on the path or not, or if we are beginning or advanced, if the ego is more important to us than the Being we will never do much.

When the Inner Being is more important to us, then no matter where we are we will in time succeed.

If food, sleep and comfort is more important we will never physically do the practice we need.

If how others see us is more important to us than the Inner Being we will never be free in consciousness.

If upholding our mental ideals of what is right is more important to us than the Being, then we will never correct ourselves.

If our idea of things are more important to us than the Being then we will never face ourselves in the Being.

If the way we experience our sexual energy is more important to us than the Being we will never transmute and practice the Alchemy.

If our avoiding pain and suffering is more important to us than the Being we will never overcome our little selves to surpass the difficulties we need to overcome to be stronger in the Being.

If the mysterious prestige of pain is more important to us than the Being we will never surpass our suffering.

The list goes that changes so that we can move through all the areas of our life to define ourselves in each area for our Being. 

End (5192).

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