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Saturday 15 June 2024

Magnetism of the Soul - (5174)

There is the magnetism of the body. Which is created when the energy fields of two human bodies touch. The interaction of the two energy fields creates a certain magnetism or attraction, which leads to at first a subtle activation of the attracting sexual energies that given the chance to grow increases in activation.

This magnetism depends on the body and its energies, which are like energetic fluids that flow and radiate outwards that attract and build in attraction.

If the conditions of frequent physical touch and harmonious psychological interaction are met between two people, this magnetism forms and remains. If however, these conditions are not met, then that magnetism will become weak and even dissipate.

This is neither right or wrong it is simply how this type of magnetism functions, whether we like it or not, that is how it works and to make it work we must abide by the conditions upon which it works.

There is also the magnetism of the soul. Which is really founded on the yearnings of the soul. It is an attraction between souls that is spiritual and timeless in nature. It works by one soul finding the same yearnings of the soul in the other, and knowing that in the soul of the other, is what’s needed for both to fulfil the yearnings of each others souls.

It is based in a deep respect and recognition of the urgency of the souls to fulfill their spiritual yearnings.

This magnetism or attraction is truer as it does not depend on time and space and so many other complicated human psychological conditions.

This magnetism or attraction of the souls is based in a spiritual yearning and governs the energies of the body and does not depend so heavily or fully on the conditions mentioned above upon which the magnetism of the bodies is entirely dependent upon. 

In conclusion, we must rise to the attraction and magnetism of the souls. From there we can work spiritually and consistently. 

End (5174).

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