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Friday 21 June 2024

Some Notes About Power - (5176)


Power is a real thing, a truth, and like anything real, the question is how do we relate to it? Do we relate it in its truest edifying sense or somewhat skewed and therefore with suffering? 

This post is an introduction, there will be more posts to come on this subject.


〰 Human beings like power. Human beings fight for power.

〰 Human beings believe in power and seek power because it seems power can allow us to control our life's circumstances. 

〰 That is also why people seek money, because it gives control over things in common human constructed life and nature to some degree.

〰 However, it is well know that money can not buy happiness. Often the opposite is true. 

〰 Power like money, also does not make us happy.

〰 Power is the ability to do things that are not commonly the case. The ability to bend or side step rules. The ability to get work or things done.

〰 Power is a real thing, a real divine attribute, so it shouldn't make us unhappy. This is because we are using it or focussing it wrongly. 

〰 The real power is the one which is exercised internally over our mind and emotions to make ourselves content in this place and in this moment - right now.

〰 Basically why do human beings seek money and power, it is to be happy at the end of the day. But if money and power do not at the end of the day make us happy (because they can't), why seek them?

〰 We seek power to get something else. Power as a means to an end. Very rarely do we seek power for the sake of power.

〰 We all have power, we don't have to be a politician, business owner, leader etc. to have power. We all have some kind of power over others and ourselves. Plus we all have the potential for more power.

〰 Basically we have to use the power we have to create compassion and love because without compassion we can never be happy.

〰 When we progressively become less and less compassionate, we wound ourselves at our core and we eventually become very isolated and disconnected from all that surrounds us and we end up not understanding and being able to relate to anyone, and so we suffer lots of frustration and loneliness.


〰 We seek power to be the boss, yet what happens is the craving for power becomes the boss over us!

〰 When we seek power to be happy, it poisons us, we end up not having anytime to enjoy life, ourselves, nature and those we care about.

〰 Many people with power think that others who come close do so to take power or win favours. So they don't have friends. So they are really lonely.

〰 People who strive for power suffer. They suffer firstly in trying to get it, because everyone else wants it, it is not ready to get. We then think we have to knocktopple someone over to get power. Which hurts us and them. The desire for power in the struggle does not die, it gets stronger and so we never feel powerful enough. 

〰 None of the US presidents look happy and they have the most power in the world. The probably still feel powerless to really help the people if they carry that yearning inside of them.

〰 The path brings you this true power. More about this topic in the next post.

End (5176).

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