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Thursday 6 June 2024

What's Inside Violence? - (5167)


Thanks for the comment about the post on criticism. There is a lot of violence inside criticism. If I remember right, criticism is an activity from the inferno - something from like Dantean circle 6. 

Criticism and Self-Deception

I certainly agree there is a lot of self-deception in criticism. Self-deception in thinking we are caring or helping with our criticism and that we are transforming things or wisely seeing the reality of the other person ad their life cricumstances.    

Inside Violence is Retribution

What is inside violence, whether it be mental, verbal or physical?

At a first glance there seems to be so many things behind violence.

I've been thinking a lot about it and there is one factor that so many of my reflections come back to, which is that violence is retribution - it comes down to righting the scales.

I've found that there can't be violence if there is not a real or perceived injury. The more perceived unfair the injury, the greater the resulting violence.

Anger leads to violence. No violence without anger. Then there is no anger without pride. Remember pride is always about the scales - about what is fair.

The violence in criticism comes from pride. A pride that does not think it is fair that another person act outside of their expectations or likes and dislikes or egos. This pride feels injured that its personal rules were not taken into account.

Basically, we see in violence that what it is all about in the end is getting retribution when other means have failed or seem to slow or difficult to go by.

They say a tree is identified or known by its fruit. The fruit is the tree's end result. The end result of violence is getting even. Whether it be mental, verbal or physical it is all about leveling a debt.

To truly avoid violence we have to know how to level debts inside of ourselves without mental or verbal violence that later becomes physical.

Mental violence prepares for verbal violence and verbal violence prepares for physical.

End (5167).

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