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Sunday 14 July 2024

How the Creative Energy Can Be a Degenerative Power in Our Physical Life? - (5200)


Degeneration essentially means to initiate a process of decline or atrophy.

Master Samael explained that the fall or degeneration of the Lemurians began when they decided to perform the sexual act outside of the temples and outside of the rhythms directed by the cosmos. 

From what Master Samael says we can infer that degeneration in relation to the sexual energy is a use of the sexual energy that extends outside of some order or limit.

The two real legitimate uses of the sexual energy are to procreate and build our interior universe. This takes a long time to accept, but truly makes a lot of sense once accepted.

The joy of the sexual act which is legitimate Master Samael explains is it seems from his teachings a side issue. Yet it is real.

Sexual Energy

Sexual energy is like water and fire. It is very powerful like fire and water. It can do great good or be very destructive. 

The best way to use fire and water is to give it a useful purpose and the right channel to flow through to serve that purpose.

The sexual energy is used correctly, that is not in a degenerative state when we do exactly that. Give the sexuyal energy a higher prupose and the right way to flow.

Degeneration begins when we use the sexual energy outside of natural orders and rhythms or we when begin to relate to it incorrectly.

How do we not relate well to the sexual energy? When we relate to it, in a disconnected way and without love.

The best way to relate to the sexual energy is with LOVE.

When we don't relate well to the sexual energy we cause it to run into energy channels that it is not meant to run through which produces bodily and energetic irritations that cause outbursts or eruptions.

These eruptions occur to essentially quickly clear the energy out of those channels. In many cases it is the egoical reactions that trigger these outbursts.

Also if we don't transmute the energy but retain it, the energy stagnates or involutes producing unusual psychological and physical results, known as the Poisonioonoskirian vibrations.

Physical Life

Physical life is really our environment, the health of both our mind and body as well as our relationships.

The degenerated use of the sexual energy is essentially constituted by the loss of the sexual energy.  The loss of the sexual energy atrophies the functions of the sexual organs, as well many of the other organs as well including the brain. This is because of the energy 

The degenerated use in turn atrophies our overall vitality.

The degenerated use atrophies certain our values - such as self-respect, love, consideration, diligence, honesty and others.

The degenerated use in time affects our relationships through the atrophication of the sexual function, the brain and certain psychological values.

End (5200).

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