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Friday 5 July 2024

Initiatic Path Introductory Notes - (5199)

Introduction to the Introduction

This post is a collection of notes to do with introducing this talk topic. The details of this topic won;t be covered in this post. Master Samael does an excellent job of covering the details in his books.


Now days there are so many paths. Which one is the right one? 

It is also difficult these days for people to accept that there is only one path.

To address this confusion and resistance it is good to make reference to the dry and wet paths or the direct and spiral paths. 

The shortest path between two points is a straight line and there is only one straight line that joins those two points. This is the direct path. 

There are an infinite number of curved lines that can join those two dots.  

Therefore there are thousands of paths to walk along to get between two points. 

The way of the warrior, the way of the artist, the shamans' way, the path of the psychic, the path of the nature wonderer, the way of the healer, the buddhist path, the path of the miracle worker, the path of the philosopher, meditation as a path...  

These two points are where we are now and the full development of our potential as a Cosmic Being.

The direct path is the straight line, therefore there is only one direct path. The many curves is the spiral path. 

This one path has been expressed and represented in many different ways according to the culture of the time and space.

Ultimately there are two types of paths. Direct and spiral. The many paths fit into the spiral and the path of the three mountains synthesised by death, birth and sacrifice for humanity is the direct path.

A Path

What is meant by a path? 

A set of principles to commit to, to devote to, and to live our life by. A series of stages with a begining, a journey and a destination.

A path offers and promises some kind of change, transformation and development. 

A path is one where one can look back and look forward and know where one is on this path.

There is the point where one's life becomes a path. One's life becomes the path and so one person is the path made alive.

Any real path is one which is alive, which can be lived and is shown thorugh the life of a person living it. 

Each path has its reasons of being and its measures of fulfillment. 

Each path has it's inner quality or spirit. The spirit of the direct way is liberation!

The initiatic path is a didactic entrance into the understanding and realising the mysteries of The Being, life, creation and the cosmos.

Most defintiely over space and time the direct path has been represented in many different ways but the laws and principles by which it has been walked has always been the same.

The initiatic path is internal for the inner man/person not for the outer man or person.

Awakening and the Initiatic Path 

There is awakening in both types of paths: direct and spiral. Both paths can not be done without the awakening of the consciousness.

The spiral paths give some awakening but the direct path at the end produces the full awakening of all the atoms of the consciousness and the parts of the Being.

It is good to give an overview of the stages of the path, so understand how the path brings about the liberation of the soul to find freedom in union with the spirit and Logos.

Lead to the path, probationary path (minor initiations), major path (major initiations), mastery, perfection of mastery and ascension into unity with higher and higher parts of the Inner Being.

The direct path has the three factors as its legs: Death, Birth and Sacrifice for Humanity.

The direct path is tests, trials, preparation, undoing (death), constructing (birth and life) and union with the Divine Inner Being.

As the direct path is the straightest and quickest line to travel by it is the most difficult and demands much. The payment of karmic debts must be acclerated to clear the way to walk the direct path, 

As the direct path is a line, it is narrow and strict. Only with a strictly straight conduct can we walk it. No one really likes that but that is the way the direct path is - demanding upon ourselves to prduce this inner and outer upright conduct of high ethical standard.

End (5199).

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