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Wednesday 17 July 2024

Psychic Development Talk Notes - (5163)


This post presents some notes for the talk: "Psychic Development".


We are in creation to really develop our psyche. That is to convert all the light and energy that we receive through impressions (external and internal), into consciousness.

Impressions always crystallize into something. If we work upon them they crystallise into light. If we don't they crystallise into darkness or in other words - mechanical and dense psychological creations.

Psychic development is to know that all that comes to us is somehow connected to us, and it is for us to use what comes to develop ourselves. Nothing comes to us, that is into our life, for no reason.

What is our life? It is a sum of impressions, perceptions, sensations, concepts and beliefs. What is really real for us is our inner life, that is our thoughts and feelings. We truly live more in our interior world than in the exterior.

The human being is a creation that has the introduction of interior space. We are really a four dimensional creation and the most important dimension of all is that inner dimension. That inner psychological space, and the most important thing of all is to develop that inner dimension.

Yet we don't really accept that. We are more fixated on the outer three dimensions. Anyhow let's press on.

How well do we know this interior world and how much have we renovated it and developed it? Very little right?

This talk suggests that we all have a very simple or elemental undeveloped psyche that has not understood as yet what it is that we are doing here, why it is that we have physical life, why is it that we can be happy or unhappy etc.

Things outside of us give us the feeling of security, reliability and stability but that is the impression that we receive. Do they really give us security? That is another thing altogether.

This talk examines what is an impression, what is a perception, what is a sensation and what is a concept and what is a word.

The universe previously existed as a unity and now with creation it is a multiplicity. Only now in creation as a multiplicity that is separated into individual sparks can it, and us get to know ourselves.

However, even though we are individual sparks we are all still linked together as if we are one. What happens to me will happen to you and what affects me will affect you. What I do for others I do for myself. 

It only makes sense to do good to myself and to others in this world of multiplicity that forms a great unity.

This talk gives us a purpose in life. It shows us why we are here and knowing that, we can then go and drive our efforts into that direction of developing our psyche.

The diverse parts of creation can contemplate themselves in others. Creation is a mirror.

If we can see ourselves in others we are closer to the unity and to Divinity. when we can not see anything of ourselves in others we are far away from the unity and Divinity.


Impressions are an energy that enters inside of us and energy always produces effects or results of some kind. We impress the stomach with food and we get energy and minerals and vitamins.

Impressions are a type of light. That can crystalize into something sublime or something inferior. So in time we receive and carry around all this energy that we convert into a crystallisation of something superior or inferior.

Creation is a mirror and other human beings, nature and the plants and animals are also a mirror. If I look at another human being and I can not see myself then I'm not allowing my consciousness to participate in my life so that I can extract the 'light of understanding' from my life. 

If I can not see in others the reflection of myself, I am further and further away from the path of integrating myself with the whole universe.

The soul can be crystallised or lost. We can crystallise ourselves as a superior Being or an inferior one. This is done by transforming or not transforming the impressions we receive throughout our life. We can turn ourselves into a master or into a demon.

A master is one which has crystallized all that has come into his or her life into consciousness. He or she has understood that all that surrounds him or her is an image of him or herself.

What is a demon - someone who can not see joy in anything - one who is terribly negative about everything. This happens when all the negativity within petrifies.

The experiences of life are not normally used to transform ourselves instead they bury us deeper and deeper into heaviness.

The senses allow the impressions in and they are a window. Impressions are always a food that needs to be digested. Pride, anger, fear, jealousy etc. are indigestions. That is untransformed impressions.


We are the image of something psychological that resides in others.

Every sensation leaves a memory in us. There is the memory of the senses. 

If we are left a bad memory of something within us we are miserable and we have much to overcome.If we are left with a bad memory we have to introduce a second shock which is to use the consciousness to transform the negative into positive.

The memory that is left depends on how we took the impressions that we received.

We need to create a new memory - an esoteric memory or a work memory and not the animal mind of sensations and emotions. The work memory is based on comprehension.

Good and evil are relative and the faculty of discernment is the ability to know how to view things from our interior to see things as good and to produce joy and happiness inside of us. 


Every sensation has a character or quality and a duration (time of lasting). 


Perceptions are a sum of impressions and sensations. Sensations give rise to perceptions. It is really the memory of the sensations and impressions that give rise to the perceptions.

Perceptions are formed from the impressions that enter through the senses. Perceptions are also formed from the memory of many sensations.

Perceptions are the sum of sensations and memory and perceptions form concepts.

To be continued...

End (5163).

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