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Wednesday 24 July 2024

Sexuality, Causality and Sexual Thinking - (5226)

Sex is a causal power. No doubt about it. It originates and causes life and is the cause for life. It also forms a chain of cause and effect.

We know the law of cause and effect forms a great chain linking past, present and future through space. 

We know an effect becomes a cause of another effect and the resulting effect becomes the cause for something else and the chain continues...

A father has a son, and the son has a son and becomes a father. Forging a great chain of fathers and sons.

The cause of any event links back to sex. Because the sexual act was what gave life to the human beings that were involved in the event that changed history for good or bad.

Sexual thinking is far wider and above thinking about the sexual act and its technicalities. It is about seeing the interplay of two opposite polarities (sexuality) in every moment of life and in every event. Seeing how the two polarities meet to form an origin of a cause which unfolds effects that becomes causes that generate effects and the chain grows.

End (5226).

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