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Monday 8 July 2024

The Inner Being Carries Us - (5204)

That typical situation of being in a bad mood and another person carries us through the day with their good attitude, energy and internal state...

To be carried that way through the day is not really good of us. We should be able to do better, at least to carry ourselves. But we don't, we tend hang off the positive energy of others.

What about our Inner Being? Are we carrying it or is it carrying us? We really have to conclude that our Inner Being is mostly carrying us. 

When we take responsibility for dissolving the egos we created and work on them, take care of our own essence and take a certain sovereignty over our internal states we are lightening the burden on our Inner Being. 

There are many ways we end up being carried. Neglecting to take care of our own happiness and inner education, we are really wanting to be carried by others and that is often a load that they can't always carry.

It seems that the way of things is that we are helped to stand up and walk and then once walking we must help others to stand and walk as we were helped.

If we don't do any of these things above we break the chain of life.

End (5204).

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