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Friday 30 August 2024

White Lodge Never Abandons their People - (1234)

The White Lodge never forgets its people and never tires of watching over them.

We will never be abandoned in the difficult times, we will always be helped and looked after, we don't know how many times already we have been helped...

 As long as we are there holding out with all grit in our battles for our Inner Being and the Inner Being of others (which is the same as the white lodge) they, the white lodge will watch over us and step in and help, invisibly or visibly if and when needed.

Someone may say: "how do you know that is true?" and they give the case of this person, that person, and this and that as an example, to say that it isn't true.

You may go into argument to prove it or you may not... Either way, argue or not argue, it doesn't matter...

What matters is what you choose. I choose as many others do, to hold on, with hope and conscious faith that the White Lodge will not abandon it's people. 

I do this as I know it to be true, and there, in that inner choice is strength. I or anyone else would not feel that strength if they chose to disregard and disbelieve in the white lodge.

End (1234).

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