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Monday 25 March 2013


The Term

The term transvaluation is best looked from two perspectives, the general and the particular.


In the general sense the term transvaluation refers to a transference of values from one place, object or cause to another. It is actually a word and can be found in the dictionary. Give it a quick search on Google and you will see.


This is a word that Master Samael used to refer to the action of transferring the value we give to the things in life, to the Gnostic Esoteric work. Essentially he was saying to come to value your esoteric work more than life. In other words come to see it as more valuable than the things of life.

Hypnotic Grip of Life

At first this may seem like something impossible. This is due to the amount of time we have spent giving the things of life such value and importance and also something special which we in Gnosis call the fascination and hypnosis of life.

Which one in reality has more value? Life (by life we mean, job, profession, commerce, family, stock market, travel, technology, entertainment etc.) or the work of developing our soul?

Really it is developing our soul! Why? Because that is what we are and all these things of life will perish and we can not take them with us after we die. Yet we will always be the soul, even after the death of the body. Why give so much value to things that will soon perish and ignore the very thing that we are and is our only true possession. It makes sense to say that what remains is true and what crumbles or changes is not true.
However, few people think this way. I’ll tell you once again, very few people in this world think like that. Why? Because of the fascination and hypnotic grip that life has on us. The main characteristic of the hypnotic condition in which we live is that we do not see the truth. We believe in the things that are not real as being real and logically we put our time, energy, hope and yearning into them (in other words our values). Just to repeat, because we see the things of life as true and real we invest our values in them.

The question here is what if we were to wake up and see the things of life for what they really are? Well we would be disappointed and disillusioned and we would change the way we see life and of course we would not put so much into things that are vain and have little meaning.

The Key for the Transvaluation

Carrying on from the previous paragraphs, we can say that the key to acting out the transvaluation in a true and stable way is the gradual breaking down or waking up from our hypnotic condition that we find ourselves in.

Life has us hypnotised and we are hypnotised by life. When we start to see the things of life as impermanent and not as solid and real then we will begin to break free from the hypnotic grip that the ego, the various egos and life has on us.

Coincidently, freeing ourselves from the fascination and hypnotic grip of life is one of the first tasks to complete. Later we must free ourselves from nature then from creation. Mind you, the last task of freeing ourselves from creation is a task for the perfected self-realised adepts, well almost for those who are Gods.

Something Natural and Simple

Anyhow back to the point at hand. We will carry out a transvaluation of our life naturally and simply when we achieve some freedom from the hypnotic grip of life. In particular, when we begin to see the falsity and uselessness of the many values of life, then of course we will transfer our values into something that is true, but it makes no sense what so ever to put our energy, our yearning, our hope, our time and our enthusiasm into things that are false.


The point that I wanted to express in this post is that the transvaluation is something natural, logical and true. When we wake up and begin to see the truth, which we can arrive at by discovering and deeply questioning the many beliefs and concepts that we have, we will see that they are false and they are also the ones that make us suffer.

The transvaluation is not something scary or something to be anxious about. We must work in the dissolution of the “I” and in the awakening and we will do it naturally, quickly and simply.

1 comment:

  1. This is a wonderful and down to earth post. The sincerity with which it is written and the linking of commonsense truth with deeper, mystical truth is truly inspiring.
