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Wednesday 20 March 2013

The Brain Must Dominate Sex

Must it?

With a little bit of common sense thought mixed with some life experience I think that you would agree with the title of this post. I think that only a very lustful person or a person obsessed with sex will disagree with the statement made in the title.

Anyhow this post delves into the subject matter with the intention of making us more conscious of the title’s statement and therefore putting it deeper into our consciousness so that it is not so easily undone by the ego.

The Human Machine as a Battlefield

Really the human machine is a battlefield. Why because there are so many opposing forces that occupy it. If there was only one force inside the human machine then there would be unity and therefore conflict of any kind would disappear.

There is the force of the essence or the consciousness, then there is the force of the ego and the forces of the various other egos. The ego as we would expect clashes with the essence, and the various other egos clash amongst themselves. Where do they clash, you might ask? Well, the answer is nowhere else, but in our very own body or human machine.

Where in the human machine more specifically do they clash? These forces clash within the centres of the human machine. That is two or more forces can clash within a centre, say for example two different egos can clash within the intellectual centre or one or more centre can clash against another completely different centre. For example, the intellectual centre can clash against the emotional centre or the sexual centre.

The Three types of Fights

Master Samael taught us that there are really three fights amongst the centres of our human machine. They are:
1.       Intellect against sex
2.       Intellect against heart
3.       Heart against heart.

He comments that the third fight, heart against heart is the worst of the three and is the most difficult.
These three fights are present in the infinity symbol. Coincidentally, the symbol of infinity Master Samael says is the blueprint or the design upon which the human machine has been created. He also says that the infinity symbol is at the centre of the earth, in the heart temple of the planet Earth.

You might ask what about the fight of emotion against sex, because it seems to be missing. The answer to this question is that it actually is included in the first fight of intellect against sex. Why? Because there is no emotion without intellect, the order in which the centres work is intellect, emotion and motor. So if there is no thought there can be no emotion or action, this is a principle and a law in our human machine. So for there to be emotion against sex it is really the emotional result of the intellect fighting against sex, so in the end it is really intellect against sex.

The Usual Winner

Just something on the side before we move onto the next point is that when the centres fight it is usually the emotional centre that wins, especially, if we are talking about a confrontation between the intellectual and emotional centres.

Usually sex also wins against the intellect as well, and the very great majority of the time it shouldn’t really win. The same thing applies to the emotional centre but that not as great, because there are times or events in life in which it is really not good in relationships that the cold and practical mind rules the relationship or situation.

Only really with the consciousness and the ethics and principles of the esoteric and psychological work can we defeat this tendency for one centre to win the battle when it is not convenient for it to win. An example is sex over intellect, where a man rapes a women and the consequences are jail, or adultery is really this case as well where the sexual centre overcomes the intellectual and emotional centres.

Intellect vs. Sex

As I mentioned earlier, really the intellect must rule sex. If it doesn’t sex being very powerful begins to run our lives and we become slaves to it actually. Very soon the purpose of our life becomes satisfying our sexual urges, appetite or desire for sexual sensations. Everything else in life takes second, third and even fourth place. Our life in other words very quickly gets derailed.

Letting sex go outside of its orbit creates disasters in so many avenues and ways in our practical life. And of course it is disastrous in our spiritual life because the ego of lust is behind it and when this ego gets stronger it is a huge distraction and disruption in our awakening and even biological processes. It many ways destroys the inner and outer peace that we could otherwise enjoy.

Not controlling sex leads to failure because the sexual instincts and the ego push and drive the person to fornication and ejaculation which is disastrous which is the fall. Even if we don’t control people commit adultery etc. and do things that are way out of the realm of common sense and against our ourselves and our self-respect.

Letting sex go wild is to destroy our image before others and it is to lower our dignity. I think you can understand this point without me having to go into too much detail.


In conclusion here sex has to be controlled it can not overcome the intellect, otherwise there are disastrous consequences waiting for us. The intellect knows what is right and what is wrong and knows what should not be done and it knows also the consequences but the power of sex and the hypnotic force of the ego combined, produce a craziness that ignores the sound and wise advice from the intellect.

It is a truth or in other words it is in accordance with cosmic and natural harmony that the sexual centre is put into its orbit and is controlled. This does not mean it is suppressed but it is used wisely within its orbit. After all everything has its orbit. We have to find the orbit in which sex travels and then once we know it we can work to consciously keep it there.

Align the Centres – End the Fight

The fights and battles in our human machine end when there is unity amongst all the centres and the fights between the different centres stop. This happens in either of three cases:

1.       We define or dedicate ourselves completely to some cause, like the work for example (the best thing in life to define yourself for).
2.       We eliminate the ego.
3.       We are fully given over to ego.

When we are united we are at peace, and when the consciousness is active in our human machine we have the three brains in united and working in harmony.

We also need to balance the three brains to relate well to everything in life. But that is another topic.


The intellect must become wise and illuminated or at least informed enough to know the orbit in which sex moves. If we want to learn more about the orbit of sex just observing normal people during normal hours of the day is enough. Of course observing ourselves and knowing when lust is active in ourselves is crucial in this exercise. If we can detect when lust is active in us and we know what it wants to do we can get a good idea of how the egos of lust fling sex out of its orbit.

The ego of lust is the one that is responsible for taking sex way out of its orbit. This is another story all together. Sex and advertising, sex and espionage, sex and business, the sex industry, sex and alcohol, sex and entertainment, etc. are all examples of sex flying out of its orbit.

So then, in summary it is in accordance with cosmic harmony that we keep sex in its orbit, you know we may not believe this, but if you want to learn this truth, just let sex go wild and see how it affects your life. Very soon I guarantee you that the law of cause of effect will bite you and you will understand in your own flesh and bones that sex according to balance and according to universal harmony and correctness should be kept in its orbit and the key to do that is for the intellectual centre to command it.

This mind you, it is very important that you pay attention to this, that the intellect controlling sex does not mean suppression (suppression is useless it always leads to a swing in the opposite direction). It means the wise use of sex (transmutation) which is equal to keeping sex in its orbit and using it in its orbit.

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