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Sunday 17 March 2013

Why Some Monads Don’t Want Realization

Why is the Question

An answer to this question is really the reason why there are so few people in this world dedicated to studying a doctrine or a system of knowledge that will really transform them and take them to the self-realization of their very own Being.

The Facts

The fact that there are so few people in comparison to the rest of the world in Gnosis or in any other order or school that really work for the self-realization of the Being tells us quite clearly either of two things. One, that access to such knowledge is restricted or two, that it is not wanted.

From our experience we see that both factors are at work, however the one that predominates the other is that the it is not wanted.

It is Not Wanted

As we have said earlier is the secret reason why there are so few people today dedicated to the self-realization of the Being or the pursuit of the ethical values of the soul. The other two very powerful reasons are: one - karma and two - the fact that we are in the times of the end and karmically speaking the Great Divine Law has made the decision to put an end to this race and so for those essences that need more time (or lives) the door is shut and so there is no pint in getting interested in the realization when they will not the right peaceful times to achieve it.

The Intellectual Humanoid Does not Want it

Certainly the self-realization of the Being is not wanted by the hypnotised and sleeping intellectual humanoid or in simpler terms - the common human being. This is because being asleep the intellectual humanoid is very happy with its state of being asleep and contemplating moving out of that state appears to be very painful, disruptive and disquieting. The ego which is essentially in control of the human being life does not want to sacrifice its values or interests and all it wants is the continual fulfilment of its interests.

However what is interested in the self-realization if the Being is the essence or consciousness of the human being. The essence or consciousness is impulsed by its Being to search for a place where it can receive the knowledge to be able to achieve its self-realization. Ultimately the self-realization is the prerogative of the Being. The Being is the one that wants the its realization and moves its essence (us) to find it.

Mind you the consciousness itself may also want the self-realization and there are moments in our life where we wonder about what we are doing here and we are convinced that there has to be more to life, there has to be a superior kind of knowledge out there that can transform us and enlighten us and answer many of our questions. The problem though is the powerful fascinating power of life and the ego, as soon as the essences begins to shine the ego astutely tries to cover that light in darkness of fascination and other very interesting and exciting egos, typically lust, greed, ambition and pride. The essence really needs Divine assistance in the form of the Being and the master so the “White Lodge” to make that in quietude to persist and eventually drive the essence to knowledge of the self-realization of the Being.

The Being Does not Want it

At a very deep level the facts that there are so many human beings on this planet and very few are interested in self-realization shows us that the Beings or Divine Monads of these human beings does not want at this given point its realization.

Why Does the Being not Want it Realisation?

Why does the Being not want it well, it may be that the Being has another time planned or that the Being has a certain mission to achieve in the future and when that time comes the Being will raise its vehicle toward the realization  This was the case of V.M Samael Aun Weor. For so many years he was fallen and for that number of one million years as Master Samael himself says his particular Being could have raised his essence or soul toward the realization  While so many Mayan, Aztec, Chaldean, and Egyptian initiates as well as many medieval Alchemists achieved their self-realization Master Samael was fallen. Thank God for that, because if he had raised say in the medieval times we would not have the Gnosis that we have today.

Another reason is the decision of the Monad himself. It is all up to the Monad, it is his choice. He for some reason that we don’t know or can’t understand does not want his realization  Master Samael says that some Monads to stop their vehicles from becoming interested in the realization, create the ego of skepticism as a shield to prevent the essence from entering the path. They may also create egos of black magic which stop the essence or the Monad’s vehicle from entering the path as well. So it is up to the Monad. The Monad is in the Absolute and it may be entirely happy there doing what it is doing, it may not have interest in being supra-conscious in the Absolute and being a self-realized God, it may be rather happy to serve the Gods.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. In gaining an understanding of the picture, while also understanding why something may be, we must study the patterns of what is currently going on. What is the function of a great part of the world being asleep right now?

    In studying, I find that the biggest thing that helps me understand the big picture and the individual puzzle pieces is to understand their function by studying what role they currently play. This allows you to make leaps and bounds if you understand what intention the creator is trying to convey. The intention is communicated through how it performs and acts. :)

    So really, what is the function of most people being asleep right now? This leads me to ask, what is the function of the restriction of their free-will? Free-will is highly restricted when you're asleep due to you not understanding the nature of being a creator, so then you must follow the will of another creator. Due to the restriction of their free-will, they support the very system that keeps them alseep. But this is also the very system that provided the catalyst for YOU to awaken.

    Therefore, remaining asleep allows them to play their intended role of supporting the system that provides the dualistic mirror to awaken the free-will conscious energy of those that are intended to grow in their energetic nature of becoming a creator.
