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Sunday 17 March 2013

Importance of the Third factor


I would like to express right from the beginning of this post that the third factor is crucially important, and this is only really known to those who are honestly working in the third factor. Those who are not working in the third factor ignore this.

There are many people who study Gnosis but who only work in the first two factors which are: mystical death and transmutation (the three factors as taught by V.M Samael Aun Weor for the revolution of the consciousness are: Death (dissolution of the ego), Birth (transmutation) and sacrifice for humanity (spiritually helping and teaching our fellowmen).

Working in the first two factors is tremendous and allows one to greatly advance in their spiritual development, however one could advance much faster and overcome obstacles much easier if they were working in the third factor. Though most importantly working in the third factor is to do what the Saviour (redeemer, Christ, Vishnu, Second Logos, Absolute) of the worlds has done. We will explain this point later on in the post.

Which Factor of the Three Pays the Most?

That is a good question and one which I have wondered about many times. Well the answer is a little varied. I heard from my instructor that a Gnostic Master after an investigation into which factor pays one the most said that the first factor: death is the one that pays the most. However I have heard from my very own instructor that it has been the third factor that has kept him standing all this time and without it, he probably would have been flattened by the weight of his own karma.

I have also heard from another currently very famous Gnostic missionary in one of his video publications that the third factor has been for him the most important factor. Why? Because, according to his own experience it allowed him to gain the merits to pay for his progress in the first and second factors. He also commented that his efforts in the third factor were the ones that saved his life on several occasions. My instructor also told me that Master Samael said to the newly graduated missionaries in Guadalajara, Mexico (1976) of which he was one of them, that with the third factor, one comes to pays all his karma.

So in conclusion, we can see that the third factor is at least crucial, it may be the one the helps us the most but the synthesis of all of this is that it combined with the first factors is the complete combination, the complete set that gives one all that is needed to progress towards and pass the milestones of the path.

Work in the Three factors in Equilibrium

The best way to work in three factors is to work in them with equilibrium or in other words in balance. To work in the third factor only is good but the quality of the third factor will suffer as death and transmutation is needed to enrich, fortify and renew the third factor.

To work only in transmutation is good for a while but death is needed and the third factor is needed to pay for the awakening of the kundalini etc., the merits of the heart that the kundalini needs are won in the first factor and in the third factor.

Working only in the first factor may be the best factor to choose to work in, if you have to choose just one that is. Though after a while, it will get very difficult, because there won’t be the help coming from the second factor and the third factor. Besides, it is a waste really, all that light that we get from the first factor is good for us but better if it is taught to others so to help them, and all that love and wisdom that is freed with the first factor can become corrupted or selfish after a while, because it is not expressed, that is, it is not used to help humanity with. Anyway love will move the person to help humanity. So a person who works honestly and sincerely in the first factor will go to work in the third factor because of the love that he or she is generating will move him or her the work in the third factor and of course will be less and less psychological obstacle to stop the person.

Third factor is Special

On a concluding note now, the third factor is indeed very special. Why? Because it is to emulate the saviour that the Absolute has always sent to rescue by means of great sacrifice His essences. The Absolute the Father (and also Mother) of All of Creation has always sent His Son to save, to redeem and bring the many essences (divine sparks like Him) back into unity with Him. He does it in such a way that each Monad and essence that unites with Him is fully conscious of the process and is free from all karma, pain and suffering.

The person who teaches sacrifices him or herself to so to fight for the return of other essences back to unity with Him. This is what His Son does for All creation. So the person who works in the third factor is one who works as a Helper of the Saviour and is always rewarded by the great Father – the Absolute. This may be a lot to say but the person who works in all the three factors one day incarnates the Saviour (The Intimate Christ and later the Cosmic Christ - Chochmah) and so he or she becomes one with him and He saves the person from inside.

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