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Monday 22 April 2013

Becoming Whole - Illuminating the Dark Corners of Our Life

Dark Corners (Introduction)

There are many dark corners in our life.

What is a Dark Corner?

These dark corners are aspects of our life that only we by ourselves or with a very select few indulge in. These dark corners are physical or psychological activities that are contradictions to the rest of our life. These dark corners are only a small number of activities compared to the number of activities of the rest of our life, however they seem to take up nearly all of our psychological or inner space. We know that they are contradictions because they are against in principle to the rest of our life, and so we keep them secret.


For example imagine a man who is: a husband, a father, a son, a manager at work, a coach, a volunteer community worker, a church goer and is also a heavy drinker. The chances are because this man has a by the far greater part a very decent, honest, responsible life where many people place their trust him he will keep that small area of life the area where he drinks heavily a secret and it will remain as a dark corner in his life and in his psychology.

Dark Corners and the “I”

These dark corners are nothing more than an expression of the fragmented and polyfacetic life that each human being with the ego has. The only difference here is that one of the facets of the person’s life is something that is not acceptable to others and also to him or herself.

A Secret At All Costs

We keep these dark corners secret because the image we give to others is that we don’t have these dark corners and they don’t expect us to have these dark corners and we know that, and so we also know that if we told people they would be greatly disappointed and disillusioned and so we stay quiet virtually at all costs. We may even be capable of enduring great physical pain, financial strain and physical inconvenience just to keep these dark corners a secret. We may even harm others just to keep these dark corners a secret.

We may be a respectable person who has an honest decent job and treats people with good manners and respect, and so we put into practice certain good values in that aspect of our life, and when we are at home we act with consideration, we try to keep the peace where possible, we help out, we offer financial support and we give our attention and care so to help others feel better. However, we could well be in another area of our life very much the opposite, and just be judging the person’s  behaviour at home we would never suspect that the person has that behaviour in that dark corner of his or her life.

You Never Know

So you never know what activities a person gets up to in their life, for the reason being that the life of each person with the “I” alive is polyfaceted. A person could be excellent in one aspect of their life and give us the impression that they are like that in the rest of the areas of their life, but that is not always the case. We actually in better or worse degrees are living examples of that.

The practical lesson here is to see people and keep in mind that they are polyfaceted and that to know them really well you have to know them in all their areas of their life.

Are Dark Corners Crimes?

These dark corners are not necessarily crimes, though they can be in the worst of cases. But one thing for sure is that even though they may be legal, they are not seen by people that matter in the life of the person as acceptable forms of behaviour.

Why Such a Secret?

Why do we guard such a secret, the major reason why is because we ourselves, the ones who possess those dark corners can not come to terms with it. That is, come to terms with the fact that we actually possess such a dark corner. The key in other words is that one can not accept that one has it, nevertheless one happily and so easily indulges in it, as if one were in a semi-conscious or unconscious trance. This is a huge contradiction within us, it is something really strange and it is something that is very hypnotic. It is something that does not make sense. Something that we don’t accept but dive deeply into.

Such a Hypnotic Grip

These dark corners contain a very strong hypnotic grip, and that is precisely what keeps us in the dark corner activities and that is what causes us to indulge in those activities in a trance like state, i.e. a state where our consciousness is not or only very partially present. It has to be this way, because our consciousness has to be put to sleep or put into a very sleepy state for it not too really realise that we are doing this strange and way out of place thing. You not honestly speaking if our consciousness were fully present while we were acting out in one of these dark corner activities we would very naturally say to ourselves “What am I doing, this is not right, I can’t do this, stop, stop, stop!”.

So they key is bring our consciousness fully there when we realise that we are in stuck acting out in a dark corner.

Remedy – Shed Light onto it and Accept

If we were able to shine the light of our consciousness onto the dark corner we would learn to see it and therefore the need to accept it would arise and when we accept it we would find the courage to not allow it to be such a secret, why? Because we want to get out of it and so we ask for help. If we are able to ask for help that is the surest sign that we want to get out of it and that we will.

By telling others, those whom we really trust we also shed light onto it. Because there we are forced to look at it with our consciousness and also the comments of others who are not stuck in that dark corner are comments of the consciousness that help us immensely. Their comments offer us a chance to contrast the dark corner reasoning and logic with the light and that allows us to see that that the dark corner way of thinking is not correct. That it is not really in line with reality.

Surrender these Dark Corners to the Unity

The whole rest of our life is a unity and we need to surrender or sacrifice this dark corner to the unity. To become one with the greater part of our life, which is also the rest of our life, it is also actually more who we are really are. We are not the dark corner identity. It is silly to assume that we are that when the greater more wholesome rest of our life is there waiting for us.

Assume Your Unity and Feel at Peace

Become one, have one face and that will bring enormous peace to you. Relaxation, less guilt, less worries, less stress, less problems, no more being two people a false one outside and different dark person inside. No more deceiving people and no more second secret life.

Dark Corners – A Shadow and a Weight

If you have a dark corner you will know what I mean here when I describe them as a weight and as a shadow. A dark corner is a weight and a shadow that we carry around with us, whenever we go to meet people or enter into any arena or field of life we have that weight and shadow weighing down on our conscious and covering our consciousness (awareness).

Dark corners make us dark and heavy, to not have one will make us lighter, and clearer. Think about this, think how you will be without that dark corner. You will be much better off. The dark corner does not make us a unity, it divides us, it fragments our attention and we become distracted and we lose the capacity to dedicate ourselves to anything. The result is that we become very watered down, we lose We lose drive and energy and in life. Our energy is going into a dark corner that is not benefiting anyone. Think about this and choose your next step carefully.


Accept the dark corner. Many people have them, don’t feel ashamed. Accept it and shed the light of your consciousness onto it. Get to know it well. Study it, analyse it and comprehend why you have it and what you are getting from it. Seek the same thing that it gives you but from a higher octave from within yourself and from within life but in an open and honest way where it is acceptable, correct and beneficial to you and others.

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