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Sunday 21 April 2013

The Kan Dil Ban Dil R (Mantra)


This mantra KAN DIL BAN DIL R, Master Samael says is to be used awaken the kundalini.


This mantra can be vocalised by anyone, whether married or single. It can be vocalised during the practice of the Alchemy or outside of the practice. Obviously the effect is much better during the practice of Alchemy, because that is where the kundalini awakens.

Master Samael says that if he mantra is used outside of the Alchemy it can be vocalised for an hour daily while meditating on the Divine Mother and begging her to awaken from her slumber. Realistically speaking if one is practicing the Alchemy and works with the mantra as just indicated outside of the practice of the Alchemy as a complement that is the maximum ideal.


Master Samael vocalised the mantra for us on at least one recording that I have heard and the way he vocalised it was to vocalise KAN DIL in one breath just as it sounds. He then vocalised BAN DIL in the second breath and with the R he rolled it and changed his tone to a high pitch. He rolled the R for the whole length of his breath. He also vocalised it quite intensely and loudly.

Angel Aroch

It was the angel Aroch that in the astral plane gave Master Samael this mantra. The angel Aroch Master Samael tells us, is an angel that belongs to the ray of command. This is a ray that unfortunately Master Samael did not write too much about, though it seems that it is a powerful ray that may exist by itself or may belong to one of the seven planetary rays such as Force for Mars, death for Saturn, Science and Medicine for Mercury, love for Venus etc.

Master Samael also narrates how at one time the angel Aroch taught aster Samael how to pray. He said that the angel Aroch was there taking the bread and the wine and praying to his father with his hands together pointing

The title of angel is a little confusing, because we know that the inner Being of the initiate acquires the degree of angle after completing the first labour of Hercules in the second mountain. This is a significant work as the three demons and the father of the demons are eliminated. We can though that most definitely the say that the Angel Aroch was self-realised and had finished that work of the first labour of Hercules. Though I have a feeling though that he may be well much more beyond that labour of the first labour of Hercules.

Angel seems to be a term or name for those who have achieved the self-realisation and have finished at least one or more of the 12 labours of Hercules.


I think it worth explaining here that the kundalini is usually awakened in the Alchemy, however there are some exceptions. One classic example of this is what Master Samael explains about Belzeebub, where he took Belzeebub to a region of the Absolute to have the kundalini of Belzeebub awakened.

Despite this the kundalini we taught in Gnosis is not awakened mechanically and it its awakening depends on the merits of the heart, how much one loves, serves and dies psychologically.

Usually not always the case though that kundalini readily awakens in those who are working in the Alchemy and also in the third factor.

Divine Mother

The Divine Mother has a representation in us as the kundalini. That is the first part of the Being that we incarnate or rather activate. We always have the kundalini in us resting on the second vertebra. When we awaken kundalini we have a greater capacity to dissolve the ego and separate the ego from the essence in us. The hypnotic grip of the “I’s” and the myself are weaker and become weaker as the kundalini develops and it is like a link that is establish between the Being and the essence which is the person.

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