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Tuesday 30 April 2013

The Inner Divinity (The Being) Must Express Himself

He Must Express

Besides some other very powerful reasons the Divinity of each one of us comes to creation to express His wisdom, light and love for the benefit of the other Monads residing in the physical realm of this creation of the Absolute, and He does this through His physical vehicle.

Physical Vehicle

We are nothing more than the physical vehicle of a Divinity, that is the physical vehicle of a drop of the Great Universal Ocean of Life, or a spark of the Great universal Fire, which is also known as the Absolute.

We are nothing more than the physical vehicle, that is the physical manifestation of a Divinity. We are the combination of body (with its five psycho-physiological centres) and the essence (unfortunately there is also conditioned or bottled essence – “I’s”). The essence in the physical body is a part of this divinity, it is a detachment of this divinity, it is a part of Him that is sent into physical world, and that is what we really are. At our roots we are the Being (don’t forget we have to eliminate the pluralised ’I’).

The Being and the Physical Vehicle

The divinity who decides to realise Himself must use his physical vehicle to do so. The Being as we have learnt in Gnosis classically has two uses for his physical vehicle. Which are: one; to work through his physical vehicle for His realisation and two; fulfil a certain mission as a sacrifice, service and honour to the Great Common Cosmic Father, the Absolute. For the love of the Absolute the Divinity sacrifices himself and carries out a mission to enhance the splendour of the Absolute.

In the end the work of the Divinity is to enhance the light, experience, knowledge love and splendour of the Absolute, He does this through his realisation and through his mission, which is always to help other Monads to realise themselves.

Expression of the Being

In order for the Being to fulfil these two missions the Being must express Himself. The point here is, what is the Being going to do with his physical vehicle? The answer is that the Being is going to use his physical vehicle to raise Himself and to fulfil a mission here in creation, specifically here, in this time frame, on the planet Earth.

For the Being to do this He has to come to control his physical vehicle so that He can act and work to fulfil his realisation and mission. The Being can not allow that the ego be in control, that is a ridiculous situation, because the majority of the egos have no interest whatsoever in obeying the Being, let alone fulfil his mission and the undertaking of His realisation.

The Being Must Take Control

The Being takes control of his physical vehicle from the causal world, because that is the world of will and it is from here where, mind, emotion and action descend. As soon as the human soul is incarnated the Being can take control and begin really to take control of his realisation and fulfil his mission.

When the Being is in control, and even very rarely though, when the Being is not yet in control of his physical vehicle, He can express Himself. He expresses Himself through His physical vehicle and no doubt the physical vehicle perceives and knows it, others though may not know it. The main avenue in which the Being may express Himself is when teaching, when practicing the Alchemy when practicing the mystical death or when in some difficult situation.

Ascend and Descend

As the person or physical vehicle ascends toward the Being, the Being descends toward us. He comes so that He may express Himself and help the physical vehicle in the work of the three factors especially in the third factor.

Ray of the Being

As you may know the Divinity of each one of us has or belongs to a particular ray in creation. This is a very marked characteristic of the Being. The ray of the Being pertains to His function in creation. The number of rays are so numerous, they are, just to name a few: law, love, wisdom, science, life, death, medicine, force, politics etc.

Whenever He manifests, His manifestation or expression is marked in some way by His ray. As He descends further and further into the physical vehicle and as the physical vehicle purifies him or herself more and more the Being makes the person a more and more clear expression of his ray.

Getting it Wrong

Sometimes we can get it very wrong expressing our Being. We basically get it wrong when we decide to assume His expression and then with a sort of pride thinking that is very important that we express Him we exclude others, impose ourselves, control situations, putting others down, taking students from other groups etc. This is us acting, not the Being acting and it is us getting it wrong. In a very short time this will create problems amongst those around us and will lead to our isolation.

This all stems from the mistake that we assume the Being and decide to act for Him, instead of letting Him create the circumstances and for Him to come to express by himself, though of course through us. Put these things in his hands. If we do this we will not get it wrong.

Getting it Right

The way to know that we are getting it right when expressing our Being is when his expression does not go against anybody else. Because the Being, always acts outside of relativity and duality. We, when we act with the ego we are inside relativity and duality and we go against something or somebody where the result is one side being favoured more than the other.

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