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Wednesday 1 May 2013

An Ode to the Absolute


We don’t often concentrate, pray or invoke the Absolute.

We may concentrate and pray to our own Real Being, we may concentrate and pray to a Master or to an angel, and perhaps even to the Christ as a master who we know from the Bible

This post is to introduce us to the idea and practice of praying to the Absolute. It is also good to know that when we are working in the three factors we are working for the Absolute, so to enhance it. When our Monad (Real Being) achieves its realisation this makes the Absolute to glow brighter and when we help others to do the same, the light, power, wisdom, love of the Absolute is enhanced.


Recently during our classes we learnt a mantra which comes from the book “Pistis Sophia Unveiled” by Master Samael Aun Weor. This is the name or mantra for the great invisible as it is referred to in the Pistis Sophia.

The name or mantra is:                 AGRAM MACHA MAREI. In the Pistis Sophia it is presented as one word: Agrammachamarei.

Master Samael also gives us the mantras PANDER and JAH to invoke the Kether and Jehu respectively, which are respectively, the highest and second highest part of our Being. As we know from Kabbalah that Kether is the highest part of our Being outside of the Absolute in creation. Adhi-Buddha is the part of our Being that is inside the Absolute. Unfortunately, as far as we know we don’t have available to us a mantra to invoke or connect or communicate with Adhi-Buddha.


The prayer that Jesus the Christ left humanity, the “Our Father” is really marvellous to communicate with the Father, actually Our Father which is the father of all of us which is also the Absolute. I have provided it here for you.

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For Thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

I also have here the “Our father” translated from its original Aramaic into English. This is also wonderful to help us in contemplating upon and praying to the absolute – Our Common Cosmic Father.

Father Mother, breath of life, fount of sound, Action without words, Creator of the cosmos!
Shine your light within us, between us, and around us, So we can make it useful.
Help us follow our journey breathing just the feeling that emanates from You.
(That) Our Being in each step of the path may be one with yours, to walk as Kings and Queens with all other creatures.
May your yearning and ours become one, in all the light as in all forms, in every individual existence, as well as in all communities.
Make us feel the soul of the Earth within us, for, in this way, we will feel the wisdom that exists in all.
Do not let superficiality and the appearance of the things of this world deceive us, and deliver us from all that which impedes our growth.
Lead us not to forget that You are the power and the glory of the world, the song that renews itself from time to time and beautifies everything.
Where our actions grow may only Your love be.
So be it. So be it. So be it.


Step 1 - Location

Go to the beach (preferably during the day – twilight or dawn are best) or to a very open space (preferably at night) such as the Australian outback, a desert, vast rolling plains, the mountains or a large park. Going to places like this to do the practice is very helpful because they remind us of the vast openness and emptiness of the Absolute, they also help to break the connection we have with our daily and its events and environments. For example the ocean has nothing to do with our office, our computer, the people in our office and the problems we have with them.

You know that you don’t have to go anywhere special you can do this practice in your back shed or behind your car in your parking lot.

Step 2 - Preparation

Then kneel down and open your arms. Contemplate the vastness and mystery of the Absolute. Bring to your mind that life, that magical thing called life, that force, that spirit, that which has always been, and comes from it. Understand that it is the source of everything in creation, It is the great provider and it is the marvelous  intelligence and magical mysterious force who is the origin of that magical life force or energy or stream of vitality, that runs through every human being and living creature.

Step 3 – Prayer

Prayer the “Our Father” and or the “our Father” translated from the original Aramaic  Also use your own words coming from your own inspiration and what you have in your heart.

To express what we have in our heart in a very simple and sincere way is the best prayer as it is true and powerful.

Step 4 – Mantra

Use the mantra Agrammachamarei. Vocalise it at least nine times in sets of three. Then pray, using your own words and or either the two prayers mentioned earlier.

Always have in your background, what we have learnt about the Absolute. That is the Father of us all, in the Absolute there is unity, it is where we are all one. It is where life flows free in its movement. It is supports and provides for all of us. It is the mysterious origin of the life force that animates the whole universe. No human being is more than it. It is our authentic home, it is the place from whence we have come and it is the place to where we will one day return.

Step 5 – Prayer and Contemplation

This is the last part of the practice which depending on you can go for the longest. If you are entering deeply within yourself my advice is to stay there and contemplate the Absolute and wait. Something amazing can happen.

If you can and have time try to stay there in silence meditating, contemplating our common Cosmic Father - the Absolute, and from time to time praying to Him.

Final Words

I urge you from time to time to do this practice. I have felt that this practice leaves one with a certain peace and force that lasts a few days. It is brings order to one’s life and helps one in their psychological and esoteric work. It also brings great benefits to the body and mind. Especially the brain and heart. It fills the heart slowly with love, as we realise that there is great love in the absolute and it is our role to spread that just and He does. We also realise that we have to work for Him so as to enhance Him and we are also Him. We are all one with Him and we actually live within Him.

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