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Sunday 19 May 2013

Balance from the Gnostic Point of View

We all tend to think of balance as something along the lines of giving some time to work and an equal amount of time to family for example. We know that if we become out of balance and we start to give less time to our work then our work suffers. Or vice versa if we give too much time to our work then our family relations will start to suffer. There is always a wise balance to be sought out in everything that we do. To find such a balance we need first of all to know the extremes or in other words the duality. 


Duality is something that is present in all aspects and events in life. Something may be good or positive but it will always without fail, have a negative side to it. And the same can be said with something apparently negative, it will by law also have a positive side to it. The balance is always that which is in between the two opposites.

Balance and Justice

If there is balance there is justice. If there is balance there is also truth. We say in Gnosis that the truth is always found at the centre of the two opposites. They say that there is always three sides to a story, your side, my side and the truth.

In Short

In short, whenever balance is broken pain and suffering is the result. The function of the pain that we experience when we have broken the balance is to impulse us or guide us to restore the balance once again. For example when we are sick it is because we are out of balance in relation to the body. Within our psychology when we are angry or resentful it is because we are out of balance. We are leaning too much to the negative, so when we notice that we are resentful and dwelling only on the negative the way to feel better or eliminate the resentment is to restore the balance within our psychology once again. This is done by bringing to our understanding the positive. We may not think that there are any positives but truly there are we just have to be courageous and look for them.

Assessing our Degree of Balance 

We have three relationships that we have to take into account when we wish to access our degree of balance in any given moment. They are our relationship with the body, environment and our consciousness or essence, or in other words our soul.

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