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Sunday 19 May 2013

Cosmic Laws in the Egyptian Maat


Maat was known to the ancient Egyptians as the divine order through which all of creation was established. The main objective of this talk is mention the divine order in creation and describe in some detail the laws or principles that immediately affect us and how we can transcend them.

Divine Order

There is a we may not realize it an order to creation. There are seven basic orders of creation or 13 dimensions to creation, which is represented by the Kabbalistic tree of life. The law of three creates and the law of seven organizes. The law of seven has in fact as we can see from various studies in esotericism organized creation or formed the order present in creation.


These laws: the law of cause and effect (karma), the law of recurrence, the law of the pendulum and the law of entropy are the laws that have the greatest influence upon our lives. There are three eternal things in life: Law, Nirvana and space said Buddha.

In accordance with the spirit of Gnosis the most important thing is to profoundly know and understand each law by studying how it affects our very own lives. With this personal intimate knowledge comes the possibly of freedom from it or the possibility of freedom from the negative consequences which in the end are brought about by our ignorance of the law and ourselves.

As we spoke about in the first talk the most important law is the law of balance, which is essentially the law of cause and effect.

By first of all receiving an explanation (best done through examples) of the law and looking back over our lives we can see how our life has been influenced or impacted by this law.

We can see how this law has worked in our favour and how it has worked against us. By seeing both of these sides we are able to come to the conclusion that it was our actions (what we said or did) that produced the outcome of either happiness or pain.

In Gnosis there is something fundamental and that is, it is impossible to separate one’s actions from one’s psychology. To every action there is a psychological background. In Gnosis we say before any action there is thinking, feeling and acting.

It is precisely this thinking and feeling that we wish to talk about as the cause of our various transgressions or pain. Whenever we break a law there is an element inside of us that has impelled us to break it. Gnosis says as did the ancient Egyptians that the human being has a soul symbolized by the scarab (Egyptian) and a pluralized ‘I’ or ego called the red demons of Seth by the Egyptians.

It is never the soul or the consciousness in us that transgresses or fails to see these laws in actions it is rather the psychological ‘I’ in us that impels us to think, feel and act wrongly producing the transgression and pain.

By becoming conscious of the psychological ‘I’ inside of us that produces the error we can following a process of self-observation, comprehension and elimination become totally free of the ‘I’ that impels us to act wrongly and the negative consequences to do with breaking the law.  We also as a result of this process or work are able to pay the karmic debts we have accumulated over the years through the action of this ego or psychological ‘I’.

Law of Cause & Effect (Karma)

This law ties consequences to our actions. Our actions are a blank karmic cheque for the future, what we get paid in the future depends on our actions. In fact it is a chain where an effect becomes the cause of another effect and so on and so on. Because of this law every action or event in our lives pleasant or painful has a cause or a reason. Karma is a medicine and the best thing we say in Gnosis to do, if that medicine is bitter is to co-operate with it and pay it, definitely not to fight against and make it worse.

Law of Recurrence

This is the law that produces the repetition of thoughts, feelings, actions, events, dramas, problems, pleasures etc. Once an action has been carried out the law of recurrence acts for the same events or action to be repeated, for example we have recurrences with people, nations, places, events etc.

Law of the Pendulum

Our whole life is ruled by the pendulum. Success and failure, rise and fall, pleasure then pain are all expressions of the pendulum. The swing from one extreme to the other, that is very visible in our personal attitudes, in politics, in economics, etc are all examples of the work of the law of the pendulum.

Law of Entropy

This law works on all human beings bringing us all down to the same common denominator. For example death is the great equalizer a powerful and wealthy man in life will after death turn to dust just as beggar will. Death equalizes all the differences of life. So, more importantly if we don’t change inwardly and positively the law of entropy will work on us bringing our level of the being down to the common level in the environment in which we are in. There we will begin to adopt values of an inferior scale that we previously did not have. For example, we may begin to drink when previously we didn’t.

Law of Octaves

The end is the same as the beginning plus experience. The law of octaves rules our changes in life, whether it be positive or negative changes. When we are working spiritually our progress moves through octaves. We may have to overcome a certain type of difficulty one day and then another day we will have to overcome the same type of difficulty but on a superior octave or a more refined octave, or giving more. Even our recurrences worsen or weaken according to the law of octaves. Many things are repeated in our life just on a superior octave or an inferior octave depending on our degree of inner change. 

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