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Wednesday 8 May 2013

Fuse Sexual Energy with the Life Force of the Essence

Introduction – Two Life Forces

We have two main life forces among the many others within us. They are the life force of the essence and the life force of the sexual energy. The task at hand is to fuse them into one another, because as you will see in this post that they are separated and require our conscious co-operation to fuse them together.

Life Force of the Essence

We have running through us, the force of life, an intelligent, inexhaustible stream of energy, vitality and consciousness. It is the same force that makes the eyes of any creature to sparkle, the same force that makes a flower to open, that force that fills the oceans with life and makes the winds of the sky skim across the waves of the ocean.

We can find that force in our breath and in our consciousness. The force fills us from moment to moment, it is what causes the streams of heat to pour out from the palms of our hands, it is the warmth of life entering our body and radiating outwards. It is really what we are, we are this, we are energy and consciousness rather than mind and body. Never the less it is very much worth explaining here that energy and consciousness are beyond mind and body, though energy and consciousness express through mind and body.

The ego is really something energetic and as well as being bottled or conditioned consciousness. The ego we know uses mind and body to express itself and maintain itself. The consciousness uses also mind and body to express itself, the mind is an instrument of the consciousness and the body follows the mind.

Life Force of the Sexual Energy

We learn from the lecture about the Sexual Hydrogen Si-12, that the best product of the body is the raw sexual energy, which is also called the ‘sacred sperm’ by Master Samael or the ‘ens seminis’ by Paracelsus. This energy is some way connected to the life force of the essence that we have mentioned just earlier but to a larger degree it is not connected at all. It as raw energy exists on a level or layer further away from our essence, actually on a layer or level that is more exterior or external and physical than our essence. It is in fact on the outer layers of our internal structure. The essence is at the centre of our internal structure.

The above assertions can be easily see by simply looking that two opposing natures, We see that the essence is really energy and consciousness and the raw sexual energy is energy and matter.

The Need to Fuse

What we need to do though, well actually we don’t need to do it, because so many human beings don’t do it and they live seemingly fine, but if we want the awakening of the consciousness, the death of the ego, the awakening of the kundalini, to walk the initiatic path or increase and energise our consciousness dramatically or to use the sexual energy is a very dignified and correct manner then our task is to fuse the raw sexual energy that the Absolute through our Being gives us with the life force of our sexual energy.

Fornicators, those who lose the raw sexual energy via orgasm, ejaculation etc. for example, don’t fuse the raw sexual energy into themselves (their essence) they just accumulate it, and then loose it as it has to happen by physical laws of nature. The egos of lust are responsible for doing that, that is their function. The egos of lust are there to do something with the sexual energy they are the managers of the sexual energy, but when we do the work on ourselves we don’t need lust to manage that sexual energy, we use the transmutation and the esoteric work to do it. That is to move and use that sexual energy.

When we fuse the raw sexual energy into the life force of the essence we bring that sexual energy into ourselves, we then own it, integrate with it, assimilate it and absorb it.

Our essence can only absorb what is of the same nature as it, and that nature is energy and consciousness.
The transformation of the sexual energy is makes the raw sexual energy of the same quality and feeling of the life force of the essence.

Fusing the Two Life Forces - Transmutation

We have to fuse that sexual energy with the life force that we feel. It has to be shocked up in quality or transformed into energy for it to be able to join with that overall life force of the essence.

The key to do that is transmutation and prayer. The sexual transmutation, the mantras: HAM-SAH, IAO, DI-ON-IS-IO etc. and the use of imagination and will, alone or as a couple during the practice of Alchemy transform the raw energy into which fuses with the consciousness.

When we sublimate the energy we fuse the energy into a deeper or more inner layer or level of the life force of the essence, which is the soul and spirit. The more and better we sublimate this energy the close it goes to our inner Real Being.


The raw sexual energy (sacred sperm) is not fused or integrated inside of us, it is on a more physical and peripheral parallel layer to our essence inside of us. It exists or is very temporarily stored there until we transmute it or sublimate it. Because we are really more energy than anything else and we have to transmute and sublimate that raw energy, then we can fuse that life force of the raw sexual energy into us into what we really are, the life force of the essence and consciousness.

Our work is to make the raw sexual energy consciousness, which when absorbed by our essence enhances our consciousness. If we don’t fuse the raw sexual energy life force with the life force of the essence the raw sexual energy is used by the ego.

We understand that one of the roles of the egos of lust is manage or do something with that sexual energy. The ego has to exist if we don’t transmute, so then if we are working and transmuting then we don’t need really the functions that the ego of lust has to offer us. Really to dissolve lust we need and esoteric knowledge, the dissolution of list is really a spiritual esoteric matter.

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