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Wednesday 8 May 2013

The Law is Inbetween

Introduction – About this Post

The Divine Law in most occasions of our lives stands in between ourselves and the activity we want to develop. This is especially true of the path. This post is dedicated to developing this issue a little further.

Divine Law

By Divine Law we mean the body of intelligent divine beings that administer the cosmic laws of creation, that govern all the creatures (human beings included) of this great creation.

The main law being administered by these divine beings is the law of cause and effect or justice or balance (different names for the same thing).

In Gnosis thanks to Master Samael Aun Weor we know the Divine Law is administered from the palace of the law or the tribunals of cosmic justice in the internals worlds. We know that the Divine Law consists of 42 judges and one rector or high priest of the law (Anubis).

Unfortunately, at the time of writing this post I don’t have the information present to definitely say if this body of 42 judges and its high priest govern only the Earth or only this solar system (Ors) or the Milky Way galaxy or all the planets, worlds, solar systems, galaxies etc.

The Two Positions

There are the two situations in relation to the position of the Law.

One is when the law is between us and the Being or any result that we wish to obtain, and two where the law is no longer between us and the Being or the result that we wish to obtain.

When In Between

The Divine Law is not always in the middle, but very frequently it is. When the Divine Law is in between this means that the Divine Law controls how far and fast we come to the Being or to the result that we wish to obtain. The Law acts as a middle man and imposes certain conditions which can be delays, hardships, debts etc. for us to endure and pay before we can move closer to the Being via walking the initiatic path or the result of the practices that we are doing.

When the Law is in between for example we can deal directly with a Divinity internally that we may be invoking to help us we have to go through the Law. When we have an experience that the law supports certain practices that we are doing then we are able to work directly with the Divinity who can help us to obtain a certain result.

When Not In Between

This is the best situation that we can hope for. This means that the Divine Law is no longer there acting as a moderator. We can work directly with the Being, initiatic path or certain practices and get results depending on the quality and consistency of our work. There are no more delays and obstacles and things fall easily into place.

Conclusion – Fight the Lion of the Law with the Scale

When we are under a karma or know that we have the law in between we have to fight that situation not by protesting or by complaining but by doing good works that pay the debt that is hindering us.

Such good works are dissolving the ego and helping others spiritually.

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