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Thursday 2 May 2013

Purity is All One Thing. Adultery is a Mixture.


This post is not about looking at purity and adultery from the moral perspective but rather from a esoteric scientific or technical point of view.

Common View of Purity and Adultery


We commonly very strongly associate purity with saintliness, holiness and what is sacred etc. This is certainly ok, but I believe there is a broader definition and that makes purity more approachable and attainable. To be very frank with you, the concept or idea that we have of purity can make us to think that it is something that we will never attain and even our concept can male us to reject purity and what has come to be associated with it.

Actually purity usually has a very strong sexual connotation as well. When we say that someone is pure we usually understand or come to think of the person as either being a virgin or without lust. Though the view I want to present in this post is that purity is that yes, but also more.


The common view of adultery is double faceted. On one side people see it from the moral point of view where it is something terrible, and they have good reasons to see it that way, because it usually is accompanied with very disturbing and painful after effects. It ends marriages, damages good reputations and even destroys careers. In Gnosis we are very well aware of this and other harmful esoteric consequences though we prefer to see adultery objectively or from an esoteric scientific point of view, which we will develop later on in this post.

The other way adultery is seen by people is almost the opposite of the view point mentioned above. People can see adultery as fun, exciting, interesting and very common and even think that everybody does it or has done it. Which is of course not true, it is only a justification. So many of the movies these days present this view point of adultery.

Broader – Esoteric Scientific Definition of Purity & Adultery


Purity is really just 100% of one thing. It does not imply a mixture of two or more elements. Taking something physical for example, such as gold can help us to understand this point. when it is said “here is an ounce of pure gold” it is understood that that ounce contains only gold and no other element. Just something on the side, the gold that many of us wear today is not pure gold it is a mixture of other metals. 24 carat gold is pure gold, while 22 carat gold is 91.7% pure, 18 carat gold is 75% pure, 14 carat gold is 58.3% pure and 9 carat 37.5% pure and so on.

So entering into the psychological and esoteric fields, to be pure really means to be 100% of thing. Esoterically speaking when we are pure we are really 100% essence and no ego or “I’s” in our constitution. When that is achieved we are pure essence, pure love, pure light and within there is no darkness or shadow. It is the ego that introduces all these things in us such as darkness, shadow, pain, karma, ignorance etc.

A person could also be pure evil as well. So the term pure is really only there to mean 100% of something, whether it is what we call good or bad.


Adultery on the other hand is a mixture of elements. It is an occurrence where by something that was pure becomes mixed with other elements that have different qualities and properties. The mixture then loses some of its original quality and properties and takes on either entirely new properties, or some of the properties of the new elements as well as possibly retaining some of its original properties.

Essentially adultery is where something that was pure loses it pure condition by means of introducing one or more new elements into its nature, which affect its nature and produce a new nature that in most cases and ways of understanding is not as preferable as the original.

What has been mentioned above is the action of adulterating. Adulteration does not only occur sexually but on so many levels, such as on the level of chemical elements and compounds, on the level or area of writing where original texts such as the are mixed with writings not of the original author or authors, etc.

Purity is to be Oneself

So seeing purity from this perspective is different, we see that to be pure is to really to be oneself, that is to be 100% of one’s own true inner reality which is one’s essence and beyond or behind that one’s own Real Being or Inner Divinity.

We don’t have to strive to be saintly or holy or divine, all we just have to do is dissolve the ego and yearn and strive just to be ourselves.

Types of Purity

In relation to the human being there are basically two types of purity. They are the general or overall type and the specific or particular type.

There can be purity overall or globally in a person when they do not have ego nor karma. However, a person can have the ego and some karma and therefore not be pure globally but be pure in relation to specific areas.

Types of Adultery

There are so many different types of adultery and they belong to fields far removed from that of marriage and sex.

I will mention a few examples but just before I do that I want to reiterate that adultery occurs whenever something that is of all one element or mixed with elements that are foreign to it.

So some examples include: mixing an original text with other writings, having inner contradictions, doing two opposite things, lying (mixing truth with falsehood), being ambivalent and undefined, serving two masters that belong to opposite sides, introducing foreign objects into the body (piercings, breast implants etc.) and foreign chemical substances such as drugs, hormones, blood etc. Well sometimes we have to be elastic here because these things just mentioned can actually save your life such organ transplants, blood transfusion and pacemakers etc.

What Purity Brings or Goes Hand in Hand With

With purity comes potency and intensity. Also with purity there is concentration, as we full know concentration is focusing on one thing. Purity is also unity. Whenever there is unity there is balance, harmony and peace.

What Adultery Brings or Goes Hand in Hand With

Adultery brings, a dilution of something, a redirection of something’s natural course, it brings unwanted deviations, contradictions, conflicts, division and in general disharmony, unbalance and strife, restlessness and anxiety.

When there is one element only there can not be any conflict only when there are two elements can conflict begin to emerge.


At one point in our life more so then other points the work toward purity may be very important. However, our spiritual esoteric work is all aimed toward that the conquest of being all one thing – that is being all essence and the Being, which is purity.

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