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Thursday 2 May 2013

Put Your Sexual Energy Into It!


There is that expression in English “put your heart into it”, well, what we are going to say in this post is “put your sexual energy into it”. This is not something that is done on a physical level (that would be really absurd and out of place) but rather on an energetic and psychological level.

Sexual Energy

The sexual energy is an enormously powerful energy and if we know how to drive or channel it into something we are on the road to success in that field.

Sexual Energy Must Flow

The sexual energy has to flow it has to be channelled somewhere, it is a must for that energy. It is very much like electricity, that does not store very well but is best at flowing. This is one of its most fundamental properties, that it has to be channelled or directed. If we don’t direct or move it, the ego of lust that we have in our mind takes it for its purposes which always in one way or the other lead to the waste or dismal loss of that energy. We have to be smart and channel that energy before it is taken by the ego.

Actually, we may say that the purpose the ego of lust has, is to do something with that energy, because by nature something has to be done with it. It solves a problem that we have in our body but the solution is not all very good!

Get Smart Channel it!

If we decide to consciously and voluntarily channel our sexual energy we can do marvels with it. If we channel it wisely we can use it to enhance everything in our life and at the same time give our overall sexual energy a lift in its level of refinement (whitening the waters), which is so extraordinarily important for the spiritual work.

The best example is when we channel the sexual energy toward our interior divinity using prayer, correct action and the death of the ego, that energy goes several through levels of refinement and one day becomes the sacred fire – the awakened kundalini.

Sexual Energy Has Several Components

Here is one of the main points that I wanted to get across in this post. That the sexual energy has several dimensions to it and one of those dimensions is the causal dimension, which is the dimension where causes are originated. So imagine that we can use the causal dimension of our sexual energy to move causes and originate actions and events here in the physical world.


Think about that and give it a thought when you are practicing or taking part of any activity that you can use the causal counterpart of your own sexual energy in any enterprise to make it succeed.

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