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Thursday 16 May 2013

Second Life – Suffering - You Decide

Common Perception

There is a wrong perception in place amongst the common person in relation to having a second life. The common perception is to see having a secret almost second life is something interesting and adventurous.


So many of the heroes in the movies have a second and secret life, and that is one reason why we think having a second life is exciting, mysterious, meaningful and interesting. Though we easily overlook how difficult it is for the heroes to have and maintain this second life, we fail to see the sacrifices that they have to make and we fail to see how they suffer. Anyone can easily see how all of the heroes suffer, just take look and it is not hard to see the suffering of superman, spider man, batman you name it, caused by their second life. They can for example never have the lady they love and all the lying and trouble (hiding, masks, suits etc.) they go to, just to conceal their identity.

Even the bad guys in the movies and in life for that matter, also have a second life and this is more like us. Our second life, if we have one, is one that is less becoming of us, that is our second life contains activities that we know we shouldn’t really be doing. We know how the bad guys suffer and we suffer just like them.

Experience of

If one was to experience what it is to live a second life one would certainly change this perception, that seems to be common to so many people.

Second Life is to Suffer

In truth to live a second life is to suffer. It does not imply to be happy, it is really to condemn oneself, to feel uneasy, most likely nervous, anxious, constantly on guard and worried - because you may get caught out and plus there is that constant contradiction or battle raging on inside, where there is that compulsion inside you to protect that secret life and then there is that remorse of consciousness telling you that this second life is wrong and ought not to be. It is really stressful and awful. We really can’t be two people at once. Whenever there are two there is a potential conflict, and that is really what a person with a second life experiences the constant clash and conflict of the two lives and their opposing values within us, within our mind, our emotions and our heart.

Esoteric Inner Life – Different

There is a second type of life that does not cause us harm and it is the esoteric inner life and there is also apparently a second life but it encompasses all aspects of our whole life, and of course this second esoteric life is not wrong in anyway because it is about dignifying our life and enhancing it. A gnostic person for example has his or her inner esoteric life, which are really the events, experiences and works of his or her path. A Gnostic student also has a second life which are his or her activities belonging to their advanced Gnostic group which they do not share or talk about to others, for example his or her co-workers. This part of their life does not cause suffering as it is correct that it be done in silence and it does not harm anyone and it is for the benefit of oneself and others.


To be worry free and relaxed we have to have just one life. The clear, responsible and legitimate life has to prevail over the worse of the two lives. To have a secret life is to always suffer and crush something within you that you want to express, for example you may want to be open and honest but because of that second life you have to crush it.

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