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Wednesday 8 May 2013

Collecting Memories of the Warrior

Inspired by Carlos Castaneda’s – Active Side of Infinity

This post is inspired by a section of the book “Active Side of Infinity” by Carlos Castaneda.

Before we continue I just want to expand a little upon the term ‘warrior’. It is used by Carlos Castaneda and Don Juan (Carlos’ teacher) to mean the one who is at war against himself and fights all the elements inside of him and outside of him that oppose his spiritual progress. Anyone who is following the Gnostic teachings and is working on him or herself (dissolving the “I’s”) is most definitely a warrior or a spiritual warrior.

Images of the Warrior

There are certain events in our life and in our life as a spiritual warrior that have really been instrumental in shaping our life by means of certain lessons learnt, by means of certain positive characteristics acquired and by means of certain decisions made that have propelled us along our path in life or in our spiritual path.

Images of a warrior are the memories of these events and moments of our life. These images or memories are our efforts, especially of where we have overcome great obstacles so as to move ahead and triumph. Many times they are memories of things that when we look back at them we can’t believe that we overcame such a difficulty or did such and such a thing or withstood such adversity or passed through such a troublesome and stressful period.

Collect and Remember Them

The only way to collect them is search through our memories and find them and of course create new ones by being courageous and making great efforts. Sometimes they are efforts that we make and there appears to be no apparent reason to make them. We think that these efforts or overcoming this difficulty is useless and a waste of time, but it is not as it will go into a collection of warrior memories and will help us when we are lacking force and need are in need of inspiration and motivation.

We must remember these warrior images when we are passing through difficult times in our path when for example working on very difficult ego that seems to be killing us and we are losing the battle. This helps one so much it gives us so much help and force. The message is that we can do it again just as we did it before!

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