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Thursday 27 June 2013

The Ego is About Receiving

Our Problem is Receiving - Always Wanting to Receive

What the ego is centred around in so many cases is receiving. The ego is really about a one way street where we only receive. The ego itself is immensely happy to just receive and receive and receive without end. It is something else in us that wishes to give, it is the love of the essence and the essence perceiving that it is wrong to ignore the law of balance and not give anything in return.

Receiving Centre of Gravity

The ego unfortunately has a problem of only receiving, very much like the Moon. Well this isn’t the problem, the problem is the expectation of receiving love from somebody for example. When the expectation is not met there is some sort of wondering why not? And the thinking continues: “what I have done wrong?”, ”how can you be so rude?”, and “how can I fix this?”. The point here is that we suffer when we have expectations to receive and they are not met.

The best way to eliminate egos that are based on receiving are by learning to give. There are many ways of giving, there is the physical way of giving, the psychological way and the esoteric or spiritual way. When we give psychologically we give physically or spiritually. The psychological field in us is the bridge between the esoteric and the physical. It also originates the physical actions and the esoteric.


Lust is an ego that is based on receiving, self-love, self-importance and self-compassion are also based on receiving. Greed and ambition too are also based on receiving.

In fact the whole economy is based on it as well. To survive we have to receive much more than we give, otherwise there is no profit. Profit is another word for receiving more than giving.

Astute Ego – Adapts to Give But Only to Receive Later

Mind you there is a trick of the ego and it is to give, and her is the trick, it gives so to receive. If there is no possibility of receiving, the ego stops and suddenly feels that only giving is a tremendous burden that can’t be sustained for long. Consequently the ego loses interest moves on.


We basically have to repolarise the sleeping essence and change it from receiving mode to giving mode. When we give as long as we give in balance we will not suffer. This is a guarantee.

Origin of this Aspect

The ego is like this because it was made with a lunar organ, which we can say gave rise or the lunar nature of the ego and one key aspect of the moon is that it does not give energy, it rather receives energy from the sun.
It seems that Lust originated all the other defects, this has a very significant implication, because lust is about receiving, the other egos are also based on receiving.


The best thing is to give, just as the sun does, this is the true solar nature. But as we know from master Samael the sun is not autoegocratic it is rather trogoautoegocratic meaning that it gives and it receives. We need to emulate the sun, which is to give and only receive so as to be able to continue giving and give more. There is no suffering in this and there is forward movement. 

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