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Sunday 30 June 2013

Working with Self-Realised Beings

Introduction – We Need Help

We as essences need a lot of help. It is very true to say that we can not awaken and eliminate the ego all by ourselves. We need the help of our interior Divinity and the help of the Gods or in other words, those divinities that have awakened their consciousness and have eliminated the ego.

It is very important to recognise this fact, that is, the fact that we need help. This is the fundamental reason why we invoke the masters of the white lodge, because we need their help and we can not progress without their help. To recognise this is humility and because of a lack of humility we go far from the masters and alienate ourselves from their help and guidance and the danger is, that without their help we can easily fall into error.

True Humility

True humility is based upon true recognition, not assumptions nor self-defeating attitudes or ways of thinking. For example thinking, I am a poor person, a silly person, I always get it wrong, I can’t do it etc. When we recognise that truly we need help an aspect of the true humility arises in us. It is so important to have this humility in us and it is more important that we always have it present in our background and that we take it with us to daily life. We need help! This is a great truth!

Sound advice - Stay Close to the Masters

A sound bit of advice is to stay close to the masters. We never know how many times they have saved us from falling or getting into trouble. Though what we can do for our own benefit on the path is to stay close to the Masters.

Ask for their help often. Ask for their protection and their guidance. I repeat they are always watching us and often when the law permits it they have saved us from falling. Master Samael says that they the Masters of the white lodge always want to help us.

What is a Self-Realised Being?

Self-realised beings are the Divinities that have previously carried out the work on themselves and have become self-realised. They of course had to have completed their self-realisation using a human being, that is a physical vehicle. So at one point in time they had a physical body that had a human personality (body and energetic personality), that may well be registered in the books of history or may not be, but more importantly, that human personality (body and energetic personality) with essence worked for its interior divinity and this divinity achieved self-realisation.

Self-realisation is the degree of consciousness and integration to which the interior divinity is aware of its parts in creation and is integrated with these parts. The self-realisation starts when the human being has created the astral, mental and causal bodies and the human soul of the human being’s interior divinity is incarnated in the human being. The Interior divinity can then move and know the astral, mental and causal and through the human soul that is incarnated in the physical human being control his physical vehicle and fulfil a mission here in the physical world. That interior Divinity has gained control over himself through his human soul (essence gets converted into human soul) over a certain part of creation. That interior divinity then has to later perfect that self-realisation or mastery and expand it to know and gain dominion over the higher levels of creation. To know the higher levels of creation one has to delve first into the antithesis of these levels in the abyss and then rise up to those levels by correcting and clearing eh debts that are in the antithesis of these higher levels, this is how one gains access to these higher levels. SO as one ascends one also gets to know what is below. That way knowledge and dominion over the realms of nature and the corresponding realms in oneself is complete.

Best Divinities to Invoke

There are degrees of course, however the best beings or divinities to invoke are those whose self-realisation is complete, that those who have completed the great work.

We should at least work with those divinities that have gained their mastery that is their human soul has been incarnated in their physical vehicle or was incarnated in their vehicle. Even though every divinity is a master in their own right not all of them have gained the level of having created soul that is by having their human soul incarnated in their physical world.

In summary, the self-realised beings that we invoke in Gnosis are the Monads or the Divinities and the names that are used to invoke them are names of the Monads themselves. Just something on the side to complicate the issue a little more, the divinity being invoked may well use his/her human soul to tend to the invocation or another autonomous part that has it particular name, but integrating all the parts of this divinity into the Being that is formed has the name that we use in Gnosis, such as Adonai, Aroch, Anubis etc.

Working with Self-Realised Beings

When we work with them, just to take a short diversion here, by work we mean invoke and ask them for help, it is an incorrect term to use, because work with implies a joint venture that is something that we and the angel or master or divinity embark upon together or somewhat equals. In some way we are working on something together (so the tem working has some validity) but in a way that is not equal, we are the ones asking for help and the master or angel is the one that does most of the work. In conclusion it is better to say invoke and ask for help.

Here below is the General Procedure to work with Divinities.

General Procedure to Invoke a Divinity

Step 1.

Choose a position such as kneeling or siting on a chair.

Step 2.

Put your attention on your mind and emotions. Become aware of your mind and clear it by letting go of all extraneous thoughts. Spend some time doing this.

Step 3.

Focus on what you are going to ask for. Make sure what you want is very clear in your mind and heart. Make sure it is just, honest and ethical.

Step 4.

Concentrate on the Divinity, by introducing the name into your mind. Imagine the name in bold letters on the screen of the mind. Bring to your heart what you feel for that Divinity.

Step 5.

Concentrate on your heart. Feel your heart. Then concentrate on your inner Being. Invoke him using the mantra TUM. Chant it three times at least. Maybe even nine or more times.

Step 6.

Pray to your inner Being asking him to perform this invocation for you in the internal worlds.

Step 7.

Now begin your invocation (knowing that your interior Being is doing the same). You may use these words:
I call, I invoke the Venerable Master ###, in the name of the Christ, by the love of the Christ and the power of the Christ.

Venerable Master ###, Venerable Master ###, Venerable Master ###,
Come to me by the name of the Christ, by the love of the Christ and by the power of the Christ.

Step 8.

Use the mantra of invocation. There are basically two: ANTIA DAUNA SASTASA and HAGIOS. Use either one vocalising one of them three times. Then repeat step 7.

Step 9.

Repeat step 8 once more.

Step 10.

Make your petition asking for the help you require. Make sure what you ask for is just, correct and honest. Repeat your petition twice more, completing a total of three repetitions.

Step 11.

Close the petition by thanking the Venerable Master and vocalising the mantra AUM three times.


Here below is an example.

Kneeling down and praying to one’s inner Being to invoke the Venerable Master Adonai.

“I call, I invoke the Venerable Master Adonai, I call you in the name of the Christ, by the love of the Christ and by the power of the Christ. I beg you to come to me.

Adonia, Adonia, Adonai.

Antia Dauna Sastasa, Antia Dauna Sastasa, Antia Dauna Sastasa.

I call, I invoke the Venerable Master Adonai, I beg you to come to me, I call you in the name of the Christ, by the love of the Christ and by the power of the Christ.

Adonia, Adonia, Adonai.

Antia Dauna Sastasa, Antia Dauna Sastasa, Antia Dauna Sastasa.

I call, I invoke the Venerable Master Adonai, I beg you to come to me, I call you in the name of the Christ, by the love of the Christ and by the power of the Christ.

Adonia, Adonia, Adonai.

I beg you Venerable Master Adonai to go to a beloved brother of ours (mention the name) and heal his body, and alleviate his physical and emotional pain. May you assist him and take him to a full cure of the condition that is affecting him. I ask for this in the name of the Christ and for the sake of what is good and beneficial for that essence. I also ask that you may assist him in his interior work, I really yearn that that essence of our beloved brother advances in the path towards his Being and is protected and guided by you and the venerable masters of the white lodge.

I beg you Venerable Master Adonai to go to a beloved brother of ours (mention the name) and heal his body, and alleviate his physical and emotional pain. May you assist him and take him to a full cure of the condition that is affecting him. I ask for this in the name of the Christ and for the sake of what is good and beneficial for that essence. I also ask that you may assist him in his interior work, I really yearn that that essence of our beloved brother advances in the path towards his Being and is protected and guided by you and the venerable masters of the white lodge.

I beg you Venerable Master Adonai to go to a beloved brother of ours (mention the name) and heal his body, and alleviate his physical and emotional pain. May you assist him and take him to a full cure of the condition that is affecting him. I ask for this in the name of the Christ and for the sake of what is good and beneficial for that essence. I also ask that you may assist him in his interior work, I really yearn that that essence of our beloved brother advances in the path towards his Being and is protected and guided by you and the venerable masters of the white lodge.

I thankyou Venerable Master Adonai with all my heart for listening to my petition and assisting me and our brother.

So be it! So be it! So be it!



So in this post we have given you the basic practical fundamental to begin to work with and or enrich your invocations to the Venerable Masters of the White Lodge. In subsequent posts we will talk more about the science of invocation and more about the masters of the white lodge and their specialties.

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