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Friday 5 July 2013

Emptying/Cleaning Yourself

A Need

Sometimes we feel the need to empty ourselves of all that we have swirling, orbiting, popping up and lurking inside of us. We can accumulate so many impressions inside us that we feel full of impressions and so the need to empty ourselves of these impressions arises. We can be also at times, so full of the mental activities related to buying things, organizing finances, organizing people, organizing events, worrying about people and their problems and so many more trivial life related matters, that we are dragged away from our inner core and stuck instead in a mind whirling with images, ideas, problems trying to organize and solve all these issues. And this can be very tiring.
After experiencing these things we come to the conclusion that we need to empty ourselves and clean our mind out. The way to do this is to peel away or shed all these layers and reach the inner most essential part of ourselves.

Shedding Everything

As we mentioned above the way to empty ourselves and clean out the mind is to shed or remove these issues from the mind. There are practices to do this and we have provided some in this post.
These practices work because when we release all these issues from our mind we get closer and closer to our essence which is the essential in us, it is the clarity in us, it is organisation in us, it is peace within us and among so many other things it is direct knowledge. So with the essence we will be able to know what we have to do and how we should do it, but besides that when the essence shines in us it clears away all that is superfluous and its light transforms our darkness (worries, problems, etc.) by means of its wisdom and love into more light and trust.
Getting to the essence via shedding away all these mental layers empties us and the essence cleans us, renews us and brings a new novel flavour about life to us.

Back to Nature

Sometimes going to nature when we can is a great help to empty and clean ourselves psychologically. Because after being in nature for a little while we are drawn to become aware of what is essential and one of the many things that come to our awareness about what is essential is health, quality of life, awareness of what we are doing in life, breath and the love for others.
Going back to nature after a while, especially when we isolate ourselves from all the business of life we come to empty ourselves and clean our mind as well. Actually the elementals of nature have this marvellous effect on us, an effect of cleaning us. Water and fire and also the trees can do this for us. We can if know such practices in Gnosis ask the elementals of nature to heal, rejuvenate and clean us.

Doing It!

There are probably many ways to do it, that is to empty and clean yourself (psychologically), though we can synthesise all these ways into two. They are the two ways given below.

Two Ways

The ways to empty and clean ourselves is prayer and or meditation.


·         So find a nice spot somewhere. Somewhere quiet, and preferably alone and preferable in nature, like your backyard, like a park, like the beach, like the top of a building, like the woods or bush and like country side.

·         Kneel down and open your arms and put all your attention and focus on your heart and breath and just breathe. Have in your awareness the importance of your breath, how it is the moment and how it is life itself. Then also understand how important your heart is and that in your heart is an atom of your Being and your essence your essential, inner most core of life.

·         Any issues that pop in the mind make a conscious issue to drop them, to release them. If they don’t go and repeatedly come back, you have no other remedy but to work on them. You have to go into them and see what it is that we need to correct or understand.


·         Once again find a nice spot somewhere. Preferably somewhere quiet. It could be anywhere as long as you can concentrate.

·         Concentrate on your mind extend your awareness throughout your mind and wait for the issues t appear.
·         Look into each issue and find its major point or argument.

·         Analyse it by finding out what it really wants, find the truth about it. Question it and apply duality to it, by reversing it, seeing the opposite side to it, apply it to ourselves instead of others.

·         Then let each issue go as we analyse it. Most importantly of all keep your attention fixed on the task.


The act of uncovering eh essence is to empty ourselves and activating or making the essence shine is to clean and renew ourselves. This very simple formula never fails it is the synthetic solution and there are many ways to do this. We have given just two, but here are many more, which are fine as long as they uncover the essence and make the essence shine.

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