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Thursday 4 July 2013

Everything Boils Down to a State of Consciousness

Everything We Do in Gnosis

Everything that we do in Gnosis is really to increase and maintain higher states of consciousness. The practices of mystical death, alchemy or transmutation, astral unfolding, mystical practices, jinas science, and meditation etc. all in the end or in final synthesis just produce in us and maintain in us a superior state of consciousness.

Each of these practices should leave us with a new, different state of consciousness. The fact that we feel very different after each of these practices is the proof that we have elevated ourselves to a new, superior state of consciousness.

All that Counts

All that counts is our state of consciousness. All that we are left with at night when we sleep and when we die is our state of consciousness. So really we should make efforts in our life to increase our state of consciousness and maintain what we have gained.

Our Treasure

We can have a warehouse full of gold and precious jewels and we can have 50 million dollars waiting in the bank or we could have millions of dollars of investment properties though we can lose all of them or we can get too sick to even remember them. But the Being (our inner divinity) and our state of consciousness are things that we can not ever loose.

The Being will never leave us, because we are part of it.

Conclusion – State of Consciousness

We are a consciousness, that is what we are and what matters is that we know that and live according to that understanding and most importantly that we care for the condition of that consciousness and we care for how it is used by us. Yes we are responsible for our consciousness no one else is!

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