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Friday 2 August 2013

Akash and Other Aspects

Akash and Ether

Blavatsky describes Akash as “the subtle, super sensuous spiritual essence which pervades all space; the primordial substance erroneously identified with Ether. But it is to Ether what Spirit is to Matter, or Atma to Kama-rupa.”

It is also known as the material element created from the astral world, it is also known as the soul of Ether which is the fifth element. After ether comes the physical elements of air, fire, water and earth. Ether in Gnosis is modified Akash. It is also known in Jainism as that which gives space. It is also known as the spirit of the four elements, whereas ether is the soul of the four elements.

Akash and Sound

An attribute of Akash is sound or Shabda in Sanskrit. As Blavatsky puts it Akash is “in fact the Universal space in which lies inherent the eternal Ideation of the Universe in its ever-changing aspects on the planes of matter and objectivity, and from which radiates the First Logos, or expressed thought. This is why it is stated in the Puranas that Akasa has but one attribute, namely sound, for sound is but the translated symbol of Logos –“Speech” in its mystic sense.”

Akash and the Memory of Nature

In Akash we can find the memory of nature as everything comes from Akash and returns to Akash and all that will happen is already present in Akash. For example, we can through the help of Akash see our future if we were to pursue a path of ethical thinking, feeling and conduct, or if we were to stray from that path. We can see both outcomes of the path we choose to follow.

In Akash are all the possibilities for the development of good or evil. Clairvoyants often have access to the world of Akash and there they can see people and nations unfolding their possibilities according to the line of conduct they are currently following.

In Akash is also our past, hence the Akashic archives of nature. Only what has made us or has been the place from where we have come, can rightfully be the one that has the memory of where we have come from, and as it is in us, only it, can have the knowledge of what we are doing and what we will become. When we think of who that could be that has those qualities, we can only think of one Being, our interior Divine Mother.

Ether becomes Akash and our Ether is our vital body and the vital body is the really the seat or foundation of our physical body. If there is no vital body there can be no life in the physical body. We allow know in Gnosis that the Divine Mother is the one that has created our body and only she can do that because she is Akash and Akash become Ether which is our vital body.

Akash and Kundalini

Akash within us is the kundalini which is coiled around the base of the spinal column three and a half times. Akash is fire, the fire of the Divine Mother. So through the kundalini we can know what Akash is.

As in Akash there is the memory of nature and the future possibilities of nature, so to in our Divine Mother is our past of who and what we were and in her are also our future possibilities of what we can be.

Our Divine Mother is the root of our bones, flesh, organs, cells and vital body and she is the root of everything in us. So she has the authentic right to know everything about us, everything that we were and can be.

As Akash our Divine Mother is in our Muladhara chakra. She can convert herself also into the ether and become our etheric or vital body which the seat of our physical body. That is why it is our Divine Mother that is the one that has created us.

The Divine Mother really has to be Akash because being Akash she has the power to create and to destroy. As we know that the Divine Mother has that power of dissolution or death as well. That is the power of Akash and she has that power. That is why she is the one who can destroy the ego, the sexual force is like that also and in general whatever has the power to create also has the power to destroy or dissolve.


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